
API Rest built with Spring Boot for beer stock management

Primary LanguageJava

Beer Stock API

API Rest built with Spring Boot for beer stock management

The API contains the GET (all or by ID), POST, PUT, DELETE (by ID) and PATCH (increment and decrement of beer stock quantity). The API isn't specific to any given database.

This Maven project uses the H2 in memory database, the aforementioned Spring Boot, Spring WEB (MVC), Spring Data JPA (Spring Data and Hibernate), bean validation with Hibernate validator, Spring Actuator, Spring DevTools for better development experience (fast application restarts), Lombok and MapStruct to reduce boilerplate code, Spring default test suite (JUnit, Mockito and Hamcrest) and OpenAPI Swagger 3 for simple project documentation.

The controller and service layer were covered with unit testing, ensuring the API works regardless of the implementation of new features and refactoring of existing features. To understand what each feature does, see these tests, because they explain for themselves what the project does in its current state.


  • Java 11;
  • Maven 3.8.1
  • Spring Boot 2.5.1;
  • H2 1.4.2;
  • Mapstruct 1.4.2;
  • Lombok 1.18.20 --- lombok-mapstruct-binding on 0.2.0;
  • OpenAPI UI (Swagger 3) 1.5.9.

Getting started

mvn spring-boot:run on the root folder of the project is enough if you have a maven wrapper or maven itself installed. Also, you can import the project to Eclipse, Intellij IDEA or another IDE which will do the job for you.

About the API

For detailed information on the API, the OpenAPI specification (OAS) for RESTful APIs is used with the graphical interface (web based) provided by the Swagger project. The swagger-ui can be accessed with http://[your-domain]/swagger-ui.html. With swagger-ui you will be able to consult and test the functionalities provided by this RESTful API.

Look below for a preview of Swagger.

API image

For practicality, a JSON file with the API definitions is in the repository. Search for api-docs.json.