- aadityadarWashington, DC
- alanlujan91Johns Hopkins University
- ashgreatUniversity of Texas at San Antonio
- austinsmossUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- bljohannes
- chase-eck
- CrossanCooperYale University
- csantiagogBogotá, Colombia
- davidszakonyi
- dwinkler1@WU-RDS
- emasojrGoiânia, GO, Brasil
- j-bian
- jbdatascienceNetherlands
- jsakv
- junyuan-chenLa Jolla, CA
- kgilpasDanbury, Connecticut
- lboller
- lucaswarwarIpea
- LusiXieUniversity of Georgia
- meichen1129
- mishrap42The Wharton School
- mmeierer
- mpaulacaldasOECD
- MRuzzante@dime-worldbank @worldbank
- nathanlane@unioxford
- pedrocava@appcumbuca
- raphacunhaKing's College London
- raphael-bruceMercadoLibre
- rmmominUniversity of Chicago
- RyoNakagamiTokyo
- sametrie
- sergiocorreiaFederal Reserve Board
- snowdj
- vikjam
- vshivramHarvard University
- wbuchananStamping Ground, KY