Config Reader

This lib is about to merge config files in JSON and YAML. The name of the config file is important to separate the config data ${configName}.${extension} or ${configName}_${siteId}.${extension}.

The siteID usually 3-6 letter identifier, for example:

  • forms_customer.yml it's just for the default config
  • forms_customer_bkit.yml will be the forms_customer for config name to the site bkit

How to use

Before to fetch the configs is necessary to load the config data for this you need to call the function loadAllConfigsInFolder.

If you do not pass the folder of configs as a parameter to loadAllConfigsInFolder the files will be found in the path configured in the env READER_CONFIG_FOLDER, this function returns a promise.

To fetch the configs you want you must call the getConfig function, this function receives three parameters config name, siteId and environment, the production key is used as default.

The data need to be load just one time.

loadAllConfigsInFolder('./config_files_folder').then(() => {
  console.log(getConfig('forms_customer', 'bkit', 'staging'));

Deep merge hash

Every hash will be deep merged and the preference always will be the siteID config.

The production keys is used to fill the empty keys for other environments config, for example:

production config:
"config": {
            "active": false,
            "number": "123",
            "baseUri": "",
development config:
"development": {
        "config": {
            "baseUri": ""
result config:
"config": {
            "active": false,
            "number": "123",
            "baseUri": "",

Deep merge array

For configs in an array the objects will be merged with the more similar config found in the array, for example:

default config:

`` listConfig: - type: String name: potato label: vegetable fry: true amount: 5

  - type: String
    name: strawberry
    label: fruit
    sweet: false
Site config:
      - type: String
        name: potato

      - type: String
        name: strawberry
        label: fruit
        sweet: true
        amount: 100
The result will be:
      - type: String
        name: potato
        label: vegetable
        fry: true
        amount: 5

      - type: String
        name: strawberry
        label: fruit
        sweet: true
        amount: 100