Australia Macro Economic Indicators

This project is a python Data Engineering pipeline to extract macro economic indicator from ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia)


  1. clone repository

git clone

  1. cd into it

cd macro_australia

  1. create a virtual environment, activate it, upgrade pip and install dependencies

python -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. create data folders (first time only)

for the first time you need to create them. For this just run python

Folder for the data files are:

├── database
├── processed
│   └── history
├── source
│   ├── abs
│   │   └── history
│   └── rba
│       └── history
  1. run the historical pipeline (first time only)

python ./src/

  1. when latest data is required just run the main pipeline


Power BI csv table for visualisation

a file will be dumped in the root folder called final.csv which you can use to chart and compare the main indicators

What indicators are available in the out of the box configuration ?

Indicator source
weekly_earnings_old ABS
weekly_earnings ABS
contruction_no ABS
new_built_no ABS
existing_dwelling_no ABS
contruction_value ABS
new_built_value ABS
existing_dwelling_value ABS
variable_loan_owner RBA
cash_rate (interests) RBA
cpi (inflation) ABS
unemployement_rate ABS

Power BI report

A Power BI report with the data can be viewed in this link addrress

In the root directory a Power BI project file can be found under the power_bi folder

If you have Power BI desktop installed just open the file abs_data.pbip then you will have a Power BI project to work from.

To know more about Power BI project and how to integrate it with git read more here.

├── power_bi
│   ├── abs_data.Dataset
│   │   ├── definition.pbidataset
│   │   ├── diagramLayout.json
│   │   ├── item.config.json
│   │   ├── item.metadata.json
│   │   └── model.bim
│   ├── abs_data.Report
│   │   ├── StaticResources
│   │   │   ├── RegisteredResources
│   │   │   │   ├── abstrans3601216882942926.png
│   │   │   │   └── rbatrans9061234309651067.png
│   │   │   └── SharedResources
│   │   │       └── BaseThemes
│   │   │           └── CY23SU04.json
│   │   ├── datasetDiagramLayout.json
│   │   ├── definition.pbir
│   │   ├── item.config.json
│   │   ├── item.metadata.json
│   │   └── report.json
│   └── abs_data.pbip

you can use the embeded version Iframe of the report using this link below

<iframe title="abs_data" width="600" height="373.5" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

targeted series

series_id content frequency unit series_type
A84423050A Unemployment rate ; Persons ; Month Percent Seasonally Adjusted
A84998735A Earnings; Persons; Total earnings ; Biannual $ Seasonally Adjusted
A108284976J Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Construction of dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Number ; Month Number Original
A108280580R Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Purchase of newly erected dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Number ; Month Number Original
A108299018F Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Purchase of existing dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Number ; Month Number Original
A108284975F Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Construction of dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Value ; Month $ Millions Original
A108280579F Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Purchase of newly erected dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Value ; Month $ Millions Original
A108299017C Households ; Housing Finance ; Owner occupier ; Purchase of existing dwellings ; New loan commitments ; Value ; Month $ Millions Original
FILRHLBVS Lending rates; Housing loans; Banks; Variable; Standard; Owner-occupier Monthly Per cent per annum Original
A2325847F Percentage Change from Corresponding Quarter of Previous Year ; All groups CPI ; Australia ; Quarter Percent Original
FIRMMCRT Cash Rate Target; monthly average Monthly Per cent Original