
This is my version of the repository Cineflex_React's API

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Think about an ordinary movie theater, ok, now forget it! Cineflex is not an app for an ordinary movie theater, this platform is about a theater which only broadcasts the IMDB 50 top rated movies. If you are a cinefile that loves to watch movies your family thinks like: "what? this is from the 60's", this is the theater for you to go. Check the production version here: Click Me!!


  • see the movies' list through a responsive design
  • choose a movie to navigate through its infos, such as rating, plot, running time, genres and much more
  • see the availaable sessions to fit it into your schedule
  • book some tickets based on the seats that are available
  • check if the tickets' info are ok in a confirmation screen

How to run?

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies
npm i
  1. Run the front-end with
npm start
  1. Open the file "database_backup.sql", then copy and paste the script on some database you'll create on your postgres terminal;

  2. create an .env.dev file following the .env.example template using the credentials of the database you've created above;

  3. Run the Back End with

npm start:dev
  1. The project will run in your localhost:${ThePort you have setted};

  2. If you want to run my frontEnd project too, check it out on https://github.com/pedrolpin4/Cineflex_React

What comes next?

  • On the next versions you'll be able to see a page with all the info you can imagine about the movies on Cineflex;
  • As a user, you'll be able to see your booking history and navigate on the site through a sidebar;

Tecnologies I Used


HTML CSS JavaScript React


NodeJS ExpressJS PostgreSQL Jest

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