
Android client app

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Buendia client app

The Buendia app runs on tablets with Android 4.4.2 (KitKat) or higher.

Follow these instructions to get your system set up to do Buendia client development. See the Buendia wiki for more details about the app.


  • If java -version does not report a version >= 1.7, install JDK 7:
    • Linux: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
    • Mac OS: Download from Oracle
Android Studio 1.2
(Optional) Tablet with Android 4.4.2 (KitKat) or higher
  • We use Sony Xperia Z2 tablets in the field: they are waterproof, have a great screen, and come with KitKat. Otherwise, we recommend at least a 10" tablet; the app is designed for 1200 x 1920 resolution. Without a tablet, you can use an emulator (see below).

Android Studio project setup

  1. Get the Buendia client source code:

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/projectbuendia/client
  2. Launch Android Studio and click Open an existing Android Studio project.

  3. Navigate to the root directory of your client repo and click Choose.

  4. Wait a few minutes while Android Studio builds the project for the first time.

    • During the first build, it's normal to get errors about missing parts of the SDK (e.g. "Error: failed to find target android-21", "Error: failed to find Build Tools revision 19.1.0"). In each case, just click the suggested resolution to install the necessary SDK component (e.g. "Install missing platform(s) and sync project", "Install Build Tools 19.1.0 and sync project") until the build finishes without errors.

You are now ready to develop the Buendia client in Android Studio.

Building and running the client on a tablet

On your tablet, enable Developer options by opening the Settings app, selecting About tablet, and tapping the Build number 7 times. Then, in the Settings app under Developer options, turn on USB debugging.

Connect a USB cable from your computer to your tablet. Click OK when asked if you want to allow USB debugging.

Click the Run button (green triangle in the toolbar at the top). For Module select app and click OK.

Wait a few minutes for the app to build (you can see progress in the status bar at the bottom). When it's done, Android Studio will automatically install it on the tablet and start it.

Client tests

The client-side tests include both unit tests and functional tests, all located under the project's androidTest folder. These tests run best on a real tablet attached to your computer. (When run on an Android emulator, some tests work and some don't.)

You can run just the tests in a single file, or run all the tests under a given folder (such as the androidTest/java folder for all the tests in the entire project). In the Project pane, right-click a file or folder, choose Create Run Configuration, and then choose Android Tests (the one with the icon containing the little green Android robot). It's necessary to set the Specific instrumentation runner to AndroidJUnitTestRunner. Then you can Run or Debug this run configuration to run the tests.

Changing the default OpenMRS server settings

You can always manually change the OpenMRS server URL, username, and password on the Settings page in the app. It's tedious to keep doing this every time the app is uninstalled and reinstalled, though. To change the default settings, which are built into the app, edit these lines in app/build.gradle:

def openmrsRootUrlDefault = openmrsRootUrlDev;
def openmrsUserDefault = 'buendia'
def openmrsPasswordDefault = 'buendia'

By default, the client is built with its OpenMRS base URL set to http://dev.projectbuendia.org:9000/openmrs, which is an instance of the OpenMRS server with dummy data that we use for development. For release builds, we set this to http://server:9000/openmrs, which is the URL of the Edison server in real deployments.

If you want to run the client with an OpenMRS server that you have built locally, you have three options:

  1. Deploy OpenMRS with your locally built server module on an Internet-accessible website; run the client on a real tablet with Internet access and set its OpenMRS base URL to point at that website
  2. Run OpenMRS on your own computer; assign your computer an IP address that's reachable from the tablet; run the client on a real tablet and set its OpenMRS base URL to point at your computer
  3. Run OpenMRS on your own computer; run the client in an Android emulator on your computer

An Android emulator runs significantly slower than a real tablet, but in terms of setup it's usually the quickest way to get a locally built client running with a locally built OpenMRS server. Using a local client and local server also enables you to do development while completely offline.

Using an emulator and a locally built OpenMRS server

To set up an emulator with some settings that are known to work:

  • In Android Studio, open Tools > Android > AVD Manager
  • Click Create Virtual Device
  • Click New Hardware Profile and select:
    • Device Type: Phone/Tablet
    • Screensize: 10.1 inches
    • Resolution: 1200 x 1920 px
    • Memory: RAM: 2 GB
    • Input: no hardware buttons, no keyboard
    • Navigation Style: None
    • Supported device states: Portrait only
    • Cameras: both front and back
    • Sensors: all sensors (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, GPS, Proximity)
    • Default Skin: No Skin
  • Click OK and with your new hardware profile selected, click Next
  • For System Image, choose the KitKat image with API level 19 and Target Android 4.4.2 and click OK
  • Click Show Advanced Settings and select:
    • Startup size and orientation:
      • Scale: Auto
      • Orientation: Portrait
    • Camera:
      • Front: None
      • Back: None
    • Network:
      • Speed: Full
      • Latency: None
    • Emulated Performance:
      • Host GPU: on
      • Store a snapshot for faster startup: off
    • Memory and Storage:
      • RAM: 2 GB
      • VM heap: 256 MB
      • Internal Storage: 1 GB
      • SD card: Studio-managed, 1 GB
    • Custom skin definition: No Skin
    • Keyboard:
      • Enable keyboard input: turn this off for a realistic simulation (on-screen soft keyboard); turn this on for the convenience of typing with your real keyboard instead of clicking the tablet keyboard
  • Click Finish

The emulated tablet will not have access to the Internet, but it will see your computer at IP address, so you'll need to run an OpenMRS server on your computer and then set the client's OpenMRS base URL to If you edit app/build.gradle and change

def openmrsRootUrlDefault = openmrsRootUrlDev;


def openmrsRootUrlDefault = openmrsRootUrlLocalhost;

the client will have its server URL set to by default.

Android SDK packages

If you're using Android Studio, you don't need to worry about installing SDK packages; Android Studio will take care of it for you (see Android Studio project setup above). You only need to install the packages yourself if you want to build the client from the command line.

The set of Android SDK packages needed to build the client is:

  • Android SDK Platform 5.0.1 (API level 21)
  • Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.1
  • Android Support Library, revision 23
  • Android Support Repository, revision 17

The graphical Android SDK Manager at $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android will let you select and install these packages interactively; or you can install them all with the command:

$ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter android-21,build-tools-19.1.0,extra-android-support,extras-android-m2repository,platform-tools

ANDROID_HOME is usually /opt/android-sdk-linux on a Linux machine and ~/Library/Android/sdk on a Mac.

To build the client from the command line, go to the root of your client repo and run ./gradlew clean assembleDebug. The resulting apk will be at app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk.