
The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf(). You will mainly learn about using a variable number of arguments. How cool is that?? It is actually pretty cool :)

Primary LanguageC


The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf(). You will mainly learn about using a variable number of arguments. How cool is that?? It is actually pretty cool :)

Check my article about this project:



1. Challenges

The biggests challenges in ft_printf recode function, in my opinion, are three:

1. Understanding variadic functions (functions that receives an variable number of arguments);

2 . Understanding stdarg.h library, create structs witch contains pointers to the arguments received, and implement the logic depending in each kind of variable argument type;

Screenshot from 2023-10-10 12-58-57

3 . Last but not least, understand about conversion, flags, width precision and cspdiuxX%.

Screenshot from 2023-10-10 12-57-30

I created a board to help undestanding

ft_printf (1)

LINK : - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMh2csBk=/?share_link_id=860553795793

2. Most important steps

2.1 Read printf3 manual;

2.2 Organize your schedule;

2.3 Test a LOT!

2.4 Deal with Makefile integration with Libft!