
Description 📋

This is a Python script that scrapes data from multiple websites and saves it to a database. The script is designed to run periodically to keep the database up-to-date with the latest printer prices.

Installation 📦

To use the script, you need to have Python3 installed on your system. And the the following modules:

  • configparser

  • datetime

  • sqlite3

  • selenium

      pip install configparser datetime sqlite3 selenium

Configuration 🔧

The script reads the website names from a configuration file called config.ini. You can add or remove websites from this file as needed. Each website should have its own section in the file, with the following keys:

  • url: The URL of the website that you want to scrape
  • name_selector: The CSS Selector for the printers name
  • price_selector: The CSS Selector for the printers prices

Example of config.ini:

    url = https://www.website1.com/printers
    name_selector = h2.printer-name
    price_selector = span.price
    url = https://www.website2.com/printers
    name_selector = h3.printer-name
    price_selector = div.price

Usage 💻

To run the script, simply execute the main.py file:

python main.py

The script will scrape data from each website listed in the config.ini file and save it to a SQLite database called printers.db. If the printers table does not exists in the database, the script will create automatically.


If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how to improve this script, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


Pedro Vinicius Messetti