
My solutions for the programs and functions asked on Rank 02 Exam

Primary LanguageC

42 Exam Rank 02

In this repository you will find my solutions for the Exam Rank 02 questions from 42 Lisboa.

Level 1 Questions

  - first_word
  - fizzbuzz
  - ft_strcpy
  - ft_strlen
  - ft_swap
  - putstr
  - repeat_alpha
  - rev_print
  - rot_13
  - rotone
  - search_and_replace
  - ulstr

Level 2 Questions

  - alpha_mirror
  - camel_to_snake
  - do_op
  - ft_atoi
  - ft_strcmp
  - ft_strcspn
  - ft_strdup
  - ft_strpbrk
  - ft_strrev
  - ft_strspn
  - inter
  - is_power_of_2
  - last_word
  - max
  - print_bits
  - reverse_bits
  - snake_to_camel
  - swap_bits
  - union
  - wdmatch 

Level 3 Questions

  - add_prime_sum
  - epur_str
  - expand_str
  - ft_atoi_base
  - ft_list_size
  - ft_range
  - ft_rrange
  - hidenp
  - lcm
  - paramsum
  - pgcd
  - print_hex
  - rstr_capitalizer
  - str_capitalizer
  - tab_mult 

Level 4 Questions

  - flood_fill
  - fprime
  - ft_itoa
  - ft_list_foreach
  - ft_list_remove_if
  - ft_split
  - rev_wstr
  - rostring
  - sort_int_tab
  - sort_list