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Python script that uses a self pre-trained audio model (trained with DeepSpeech) for background VAD (Voice Activity Detection), transcription and transcribed command execution on Linux.
This script utilizes a self trained audio model by DeepSpeech's Tensorflow machine learning implementation. Besides that, the script is supposed to run as a background process and record all real-time audio. When the VAD detects some sort of speech, it records everything until there is silence. This portion of audio is transcribed using DeepSpeech's CLI and the pre-trained audio model. The transcribed result is sanitized and searched in a dictionary (with confiability calculated by fuzzywuzzy) and if it matches something, this command is executed in a subprocess shell and the STDOUT output is shown in a simple GUI, made with eel.
This repository also includes a simple API to run DeepSpeech's transcription remotely (or on localhost), made by myself.
Before installing python modules, don't forget the prerequisites for the monster called pyaudio:
sudo apt-get install -y portaudio19-dev libjack-jackd2-dev
Proceeding, install python modules (highly recommend to do this in virtual environment, don't mess with python):
# Install python3.7 and virtualenv
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev virtualenv
# Initialize virtualenv in a folder called deepspeech_app
virtualenv -p python3.7 deepspeech_app
# Activate virtualenv
cd deepspeech_app
source bin/activate
# Install python modules
python -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
If you want to use the API, install Node.js (recommend you to install LTS version) and simply run on root project directory:
# Install all necessary packages
npm install server/
After installing everything, you should be able to either record real-time voice and translate that into commands or use an audio file as the recording (add -f option and the filename .wav):
# Command for real time translation (remove 'nohup' and '& exit' to run on terminal)
nohup python commands.py -m models/deepspeech_model_ptBR.pb & exit
If you want to use the API for transcription, run:
# Run node.js API on localhost or remote server
node server/server.js
# Run python script with API address
nohup python commands.py -m models/deepspeech_model_ptBR.pb --remote http://localhost:5000/services/transcribe & exit
Transcrição | Comando | Descrição |
caminho | pwd | Show actual absolute path |
criar aquivo "arquivo" | touch "arquivo" | Creates new file |
criar pasta "pasta" | mkdir "pasta" | Creates new folder |
disco | df -h | Show disk information |
fechar | exit | Finishes program execution |
limpar | - | Clean all UI text |
listar | ls | List all files on current directory |
localizar "arquivo" | locate -i "arquivo" | Locates a file in the system |
processos | ps aux | List all processes in execution |
tempo | uptime | Show for how much time the system is up |
transcrever "frase" | - | Transcribes a phrase |
Program | Command |
chrome | google-chrome |
code | code . |
discord | discord |
firefox | firefox |
gedit | gedit |
gimp | gimp |
spotify | spotify |
Transcrição | Comando |
adicionar arquivos | git add . |
commitar "mensagem" | git commit -m "mensagem" |
empurrar | git push origin main |
estado | git status |
puxar | git pull origin main |
Turma de Projetos Transversais em Redes de Comunicação 2 da UNB no semestre de 2020/1.