Repo Analyzer


RepoAnalyzer is a Python script that utilizes the OpenAI GPT API to analyze a local Git repository. The script evaluates the repository files against a given set of specifications, provides a detailed report with a grade, and saves the report in Markdown format. It can also use OpenAI API compatible APIs.


  • Analyzes all non-binary files in a local Git repository.
  • Ignores files in .git directory and binary files.
  • Uses the OpenAI GPT API for exhaustive analysis based on specified requirements.
  • Generates a detailed Markdown report with individual file evaluations and an overall grade.
  • Supports both OpenAI and local endpoints.
  • Customizable with parameters for model, note, and endpoint.


  • Python
  • A local Git repository for analysis


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd repo-grader
  2. Create a Python Virtual Environment and activate it:


    python -m venv venv


    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Command Line Interface

The script can be run from the command line with various parameters. Here's the basic usage:

python --repo_path <path-to-repo> --note <note> [--model <model>] [--endpoint <endpoint>]


  • --repo_path (required): Path to the local Git repository.
  • --note (required): A note to be included at the top of the report. Usually meant to specify the model used in LMStudio.
  • --model (optional): GPT model to use (default: GPT-4 turbo).
  • --endpoint (optional): Custom OpenAI endpoint URL (default: http://localhost:1234/v1, which is the URL for LMStudio).


python --repo_path ../aws-challenge --note "Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3-Q8_0.gguf" --endpoint http://localhost:1234/v1

Batch File

You can use the provided batch file analyze.bat for quick execution:

analyze <note>

It uses the http://localhost:1234/v1 endpoint (LMStudio) and ../aws-challenge as repo.

Environment Variables

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Set this environment variable with your OpenAI API key to authenticate the requests.


The script generates a Markdown report with the following structure:

  • Note: Custom note provided via the --note parameter.
  • Final evaluation: Overall grade out of 100 and overall analysis.
  • Detailed Analysis: Individual evaluations for each file.

The report is saved in the reports directory with the filename format report-[note]

Example Report

Reports are in reports\. V1, V2, V3 indicates the version of the prompt present in the script when the reports were generated.