CS activities developed during my undergraduation at University of São Paulo

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AboutHow it worksContentsHow to contribute


This repository contains codes developed in classes during my undergraduation at University of São Paulo, Brazil (2020-present). It looks forward to help mostly students and people that are learning to program if they ever encounter a similar problem to the ones presented here or just want to take a look at how I solved this problems.

How it works

This repository is divided in directories, each directory represents a semester, and each semester contains programming disciplines that I took.

Before you clone this repository, be sure you have installed Git and that you have a nice text editor, I recommend VSCode.

So, after you make sure you have everything you need:

#Clone this repository
$git clone https://github.com/pedrousp/USP

#Access the main directory
$cd USP

After this, you'll have access to every code in this repository.


Semester 1 (February-June / 2020)

Semester 2 (July-December / 2020)

Semester 3 (April-July / 2021)

SCC0215 - File Organization
SCC0216 - Computational Modelling in Graphs
SSC0103 - Object-Oriented Programming

How to contribute

• Before you contribute, make sure everything is up to date

$git pull origin main

• Create your own branch

#Change <feature-name> with the name you like
$git checkout -b <feature-name>

• Commit the changes

$git commit -m "Meaningful commit message"

• Push the changes for review

#Change <feature-name> with your branch's name
$git push origin <feature-name>