Laravel PHP Framework

Mac OS X php

Mac OS X php does not have mcrypt extesion. To ease life, download and install php 5.5:

  • curl -s | bash -s 5.5 add php to the path:
  • if using bash: in the end of ~/.profile add this line: export PATH=/usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH
  • if using zsh, in the end of ~/.zshrc add this line: export PATH=/usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH

Create mysql DB

Create a mysql UTF-8 db and user, assign all the privileges to that user. Write the host, user, pass and dbname in app/config/database.php, in connections => mysql

install php/js dependencies

running a server

Either you need to install this to a vhost in apache, or just run:

  • php artisan serve


install cordova:

  • sudo npm install -g cordova
  • sudo npm install -g ios-sim

Build project with:

  • cd cordova
  • cordova build ios

Build for android: first set adb directory in cordova/ and cordova/CordovaLib/

  • cd cordova
  • cordova build android

Run with:

  • cordova emulate ios
  • cordova emulate android

Release Android:

  • cd cordova/platforms/android
  • cordova build android --release
  • jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ../my-release-key.keystore ant-build/FindMyFriends-release-unsigned.apk spotmyfriends
  • zipalign -v 4 ant-build/FindMyFriends-release-unsigned.apk ant-build/FindMyFriends-release-aligned.apk password is spotmyfriends zipalign for performance.