XDE and mobile client
Install ExpoIf you don't want to use XDE (not IDE, it stands for Expo Development Tools), you can use [exp CLI](https://docs.expo.io/versions/v15.0.0/guides/exp-cli.html).
yarn global add exp
Lein or Boot
InstallInstall npm modules
yarn install
Signup using exp CLI
exp signup
Start the figwheel server and cljs repl
leiningen users
lein figwheel
boot users
boot dev
;; then input (cljs-repl) in the connected clojure repl to connect to boot cljs repl
Start Exponent server (Using Also connect to Android device
exp start -a --lan
Also connect to iOS Simulator
exp start -i --lan
Add new assets or external modules
(def cljs-logo (js/require "./assets/images/cljs.png"))
(def FontAwesome (js/require "@expo/vector-icons/FontAwesome"))
- Reload simulator or device
Make sure you disable live reload from the Developer Menu, also turn off Hot Module Reload.
Since Figwheel already does those.
Production build (generates js/externs.js and main.js)
leiningen users
lein prod-build
boot users
boot prod