
I'm a software engineer cursed with the perpetual pursuit of the cleanest code! Hooked on all things Elixir and Ruby and currently working as a Software Engineer @ Deemaze Software.

🔨Technologies & Tools

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Phoenix
  • PostgresSQL
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes (🚧)
  • Solidity(🚧)

✍️ Blog posts

Every now and then I write too – Medium!

🔖 Elixir training repositories

I remember the time where I wasn't affected with this curse but all was set to change once I tried Elixir… Bound towards the cleanest code, I just knew I had to spread all the things I learned! With the help of Deemaze Software, a 5 session training was organized where I lectured a vast set of Elixir related topics. Here are some the repositories that I used on the sessions: