
decrease the time to set up machine environments.

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Contributor Covenant

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Repository that automatically installs the programs I use most in my linux distro, with aptitude as a package manager.

The purpose of this repository is to provide an interactive initial installation script on a newly formatted linux machine. It was created after my dissatisfaction with having to make countless settings every time I formatted my computer. Scripting is not yet interactive, but I can put this functionality ahead if I find it useful to others. I accept code contributions.

Initial Config

  • Visual Studio Code (including extensions and settings)
  • Google Chrome
  • Virtual Box
  • Git
  • Curl
  • Node Version Manager
  • Kubectl
  • Minikube
  • Skaffold
  • Fish
  • Oh My Fish (and agnoster theme)
  • Microsoft Fonts
  • Gogh (themes for terminal)
  • Docker

Pos Config (beta)

  • Dropbox
  • Nodejs (via nvm)
  • Agnoster Fish Theme


git clone https://github.com/pedroskakum/installizer

sudo sh installizer/install.sh


Change the file vscode-settings.json for your visual studio setup if you prefer.

Next updates

Add a cli for customize all the settings of script, now is static.