
:airplane: A project that simulates an travel agency using SOAP

Primary LanguageJava


This project simulates a travel agency which provides travel packages that are composed of a hotel room, a hotel, a transport and a transport route. These packages can be selled to a client and when this occurs, the agency application books a hotel room and creates a new transport ticket by requesting to the hotel and transport microservice.


In order to deploy this project, follow the steps bellow:

  • be sure you have docker, docker-compose, maven and git installed in your computer;
  • open your terminal and navigate to the folder that you want to download this project
  • run the command git clone https://github.com/pedroviniv/viajei-soap.git to clone this repository to your machine
  • navigate to the project root folder and run the command sh start.sh
    • the command above will execute the following steps:
      • mvn clean install (to compile the source code generating the war file and to install the artifact generated to the maven dependencies folder)
      • sudo docker-compose up -d to build the images and instantiate the containers described into docker-compose.yaml file
  • finally, run the command sudo docker container ls and if the steps above went fine, you will see all the deployed containers