This is an app I created when me an dmy wife were worried about my newborn daughters sleep cycle. It's a PWA built using React and GraphQL.
The app is coded so that both my wife and I could use the app independently on our phones. First I coded the backend with Apollo Client listener, but since the app is hosted on a free Heroku dyno, it did not work. So I decided to get the client querying the DB constantly (so that changes in my phone would quickly display on my wife's phone and vice-versa).
When you open the app, you will see a large button, a description of "baby's state" (awake or sleeping) and a timer of how long the baby is on that state. On clicking the button, the state changes, the data is saved ant the timer reset.
Right now the apps collects data and stores it at a MongoDB. After a while we got confortable with our baby's sleep cycle, so this project staled.
It would be nice to get a page for viewing the data, which got started but never finished. The way date-time are handled is still sketchy, as well.