This package exports a function that automatically creates a Prisma Client query based on GraphQL query information.
It still has some limitations, that are listed below, but most of those should be solved as soon as an Prisma-GraphQL Auto-Modeler package is available.
npm install prisma-graphql-auto-resolver
This package is intended to be used on the resolver part of a GraphQL server. It uses information passed by the query (specifically the args and info parameters) to construct a Prisma Client query.
It was designed to serve a unique/master query, responsible for fetching all types. Please see Limitations section below for further details.
const {autoResolver} = require("prisma-graphql-auto-resolver");
const {PrismaClient} = require ("@prisma/client")
const prisma = new PrismaClient()
const models = `
type Users {
id: ID
name: String
email: String
posts: [Posts]
type Posts {
id: ID
title: String
content: Strings
user: Users
type AllTypes {
users: [Users]
posts: [Posts]
type Query {
const resolver = {
masterQuery= async (parent, args, context, info) => {
const query_result = await autoResolver(args, info, prisma)
return query_result
Right now, the existence of the type AllTypes
(or any other name, obviously) is required since when creating a query it will inform the name of the table Prisma needs to query. For example, this GraphQL query:
Will generate this Prisma Client query:
select: { id: true, name: true ,
posts: { select: { title: true } } },
Right now, there are some limitations/rules that the models should follow for this package to work correctly:
- Types should have the same name as the ones described at the Prisma models;
- Types should have the same fields and same field names as the ones described at the Prisma models;
- There needs to be a master Type - somewhere where you connect a type to the name of the table (in prisma lower-case notation) [see AllTypes above]
- Queries with args are still a work in progress.
Limitation 1 and 2 should be solved as soon as a Prisma-to-GraphQL package is done (and I'm working on it =)); Right now, there are no plans to overcome number 3; Limitation number 4 is under work.