
Python interface to Mollie.nl iDEAL API for use in Django projects.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



django-mollie-ideal provides a Python interface to the iDEAL API by Mollie.nl for use in Django projects. It requires Python 2.5 or higher.

iDEAL is a payment system used in the Netherlands which allows Dutch consumers to make online payments via the secure environment of their own bank.

Mollie.nl provide a unified API which removes the complexity of interacting with the individual Dutch banks which support iDEAL payments. You can find detailed information about the Mollie.nl iDEAL API here.

Nederlandse versie vindt u hier.


Link the mollie directory into your PYTHONPATH and add mollie.ideal to your INSTALLED_APPS:


django-mollie-ideal will use lxml if it is installed. You can install lxml as follows:

$ pip install lxml

If you do not have lxml installed, the built-in xml.etree.[c]ElementTree will be used instead.

Registering with Mollie.nl

Before you can start using django-mollie-ideal you must register with Mollie.nl.

Once you have registered you will receive a so-called "Partner ID" which you should set as the value of MOLLIE_PARTNER_ID in your Django project's settings.py file. See below for more information about the available settings.


## Required settings ##


MOLLIE_REPORT_URL = 'http://yoursite.yourdomain.com/payment/process/'
MOLLIE_RETURN_URL = 'http://yoursite.yourdomain.com/payment/thankyou/'

## Optional settings ##

# You must also set 'iDEAL testmode aan' or 'iDEAL testmode uit'
# at the following URL: http://www.mollie.nl/beheer/betaaldiensten/instellingen/
MOLLIE_TEST = True # defaults to False

MOLLIE_MIN_AMOUNT = '1.18' # defaults to '1.18'

import os
SITE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
MOLLIE_BANKLIST_DIR = SITE_ROOT # defaults to your project's root directory


MOLLIE_REVERSE_URLS = True # defaults to False, if set True, both reporting and returning url have to be reversable, e.g.:
MOLLIE_RETURN_URL = 'shop:thanks'

Grabbing the latest list of supported banks

Before you start to use django-mollie-ideal in your Django project, you should first grab the latest list of supported banks from Mollie.nl. The _get_mollie_xml() function in the mollie.ideal.helpers module used by MollieIdealPayment requires this file to build the list of supported banks available to your application.

Once django-mollie-ideal is installed in your project a new Django management command get_mollie_banklist will become available. This command requests the latest list of supported banks and saves the file mollie_banklist.xml to the current directory. You should also specify MOLLIE_BANKLIST_DIR in your settings.py file.

You should run this command periodically to refresh the list of banks available to users of your web application. Here's how:

$ cd /path/to/your/django_app
$ python manage.py get_mollie_banklist

Note that if you do not run this command, django-mollie-ideal will default to using its own list of supported banks. However, this may well already be out-of-date by the time you start using your application.

Setup your URLs

How you setup your urls.py is, of course, entirely up to you. The following serves as an example:

urlpatterns = patterns('my_project.my_app.views',
    url(r'^payment/pay/$', 'make_payment', name='pay'),
    url(r'^payment/process/$', 'process_payment', name='process_payment'),
    url(r'^payment/thankyou/$', 'payment_thanks', name='payment_thanks'),


Most of the logic in django-mollie-ideal is handled by the MollieIdealPayment class. All you need to do is subclass and specialise MollieIdealPayment with your own site-specific requirements. An example follows:

from mollie.ideal.models import MollieIdealPayment

class MyPayment(MollieIdealPayment):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    email = models.EmailField()
    complete = models.BooleanField()

Payment processing is handled by 2 separate instance methods on MollieIdealPayment - get_order_url() and is_paid(). These are analogous to the "fetch" and "check" steps respectively, as described in the Mollie API. As a convenience, you may also use fetch() and check() in place of get_order_url() and is_paid().

Note that because MollieIdealPayment is an abstract base class, you will also need to setup your own admin.py file to represent your own MyPayment model in the Django admin.


You will also need to create a specialised form by subclassing MollieIdealPaymentForm. An example follows, based on the previous model example:

from mollie.ideal.forms import MollieIdealPaymentForm
from my_project.my_app.models import MyPayment

class MyPaymentForm(MollieIdealPaymentForm):

    class Meta:
        model = MyPayment
        fields = ('bank_id', 'amount', 'name', 'email')

MollieIdealPaymentForm subclasses django.forms.ModelForm. This means that in your own form, you should take care to manually specify which fields from it you wish to display in addition to the custom fields from your own model. In the above example we're displaying bank_id and amount from MollieIdealPaymentForm and name and email from the MyPaymentForm subclass. You must display bank_id as a bare minimum. The Django ModelForm documentation is worth consulting for more detailed informtation on how to create forms from models.

Note that Mollie require payments to be a minimum of €1.18 (€0.99 + BTW). Although MollieIdealPaymentForm already handles this for you, it is worth bearing in mind when you are pricing items on your site.


There are 3 main steps.

Step 1. Define your payment and use its get_order_url() (or fetch()) instance method to setup the transaction with Mollie.nl. get_order_url() takes care of storing the Mollie.nl transaction_id which identifies your payment and returns an order_url for use in your view function's template context. Note that get_order_url() also performs a save() on your payment instance so you do not need to do this in your view function.

Step 2. Setup a return URL which acts as a "Thank You" landing page for users of your site. Once the user has finished the transaction with their bank, they will be redirected to this page.

Step 3. Setup a report URL which uses the is_paid() (or check()) instance method to check with Mollie.nl that the transaction was successful and to perform any site-specific processing tasks based on this response. For example you might want to mark the above MyPayment instance's complete field as True. The function you attach to this URL should handle both successful and unsuccessful/cancelled payments. Note that is_paid() does not handle saving the payment instance to the database because it is likely that you will need to perform various processing tasks such as setting site-specific attributes before committing to the database. Therefore you must remember to perform a save() in your view.

The views.py code below is a reasonably complete example of the above steps:

from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseServerError
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext

from my_project.my_app.forms import MyPaymentForm

def make_payment(request, form_class=MyPaymentForm): # Step 1
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(data=request.POST)
        if form.is_valid()
            cd = form.cleaned_data
            payment = form.save(commit=False)
            payment.description = u'max 29 char product description'
            payment.amount = cd['amount']
            payment.name = cd['name']
            payment.email = cd['email']
            order_url = payment.get_order_url()
            return render_to_response('payment_step2.html',
                                      {'payment': payment, 'order_url': order_url},
        form = form_class()
    return render_to_response('payment_step1.html', {'form': form},

def payment_thanks(request): # Step 2
    transaction_id = request.GET.get('transaction_id', None)
    if transaction_id:
        payment = MyPayment.objects.get(transaction_id=transaction_id)
        return render_to_response('payment_thanks.html',
                                  {'payment': payment},
        return redirect('/')

def process_payment(request): # Step 3
    transaction_id = request.GET.get('transaction_id', None)
    if transaction_id:
        payment = MyPayment.objects.get(transaction_id=transaction_id)
        if payment.is_paid():
            # Any processing you want to do goes here
            payment.complete = True
        # Don't forget to commit the changes!
        return HttpResponse('OK')
        return HttpResponseServerError

Making test payments

Once your project is written and configured, you can start to make some test payments. Mollie provide a test bank called "TBM Bank (The Big Mollie Bank)" which can be used as a developer sandbox to test out your code.

To enable this test bank in your project you need to set MOLLIE_TEST to True in your settings.py file, then go to your Mollie.nl account settings and set "iDEAL testmode aan". Both of these steps are required.

Once this is done, an additional bank "TBM Bank (Test Bank)" will appear in the list of supported banks in your application. You should use this bank (and only this bank) to make test transactions.

When you decide to go into production, you must set MOLLIE_TEST to False in your settings.py file and set "iDEAL testmode uit" in your Mollie.nl account settings.