
This external role is to comply project related dependencies

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This external role is to comply project related dependencies of proxy cached content.


  • You have to load the user's password into the variable nexusPwd
  • You have to load json content defining your required repositories into the variable nexusRepos.

For example loading the content from a json file:

- name: import repositories
    nexus_repos: "{{ lookup('file','vars/my_nexus_repos.json') | from_json }}"

Refer your nexus-instance in Setup/System/API for reqired json structs.

Example json content:

    "name": "ubuntu-jammy-ppa-golang-backports",
    "url": "",
    "online": true,
    "storage": {
      "blobStoreName": "ubuntu-jammy",
      "strictContentTypeValidation": true,
      "writePolicy": "ALLOW"
    "cleanup": {
      "policyNames": ["18-weeks-usage"]
    "apt": {
      "distribution": "jammy",
      "flat": false
    "proxy": {
      "remoteUrl": "https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/longsleep/golang-backports/ubuntu/",
      "contentMaxAge": 1440,
      "metadataMaxAge": 1440
    "negativeCache": {
      "enabled": true,
      "timeToLive": 1440
    "httpClient": {
      "blocked": false,
      "autoBlock": true,
      "connection": {
        "retries": null,
        "userAgentSuffix": null,
        "timeout": null,
        "enableCircularRedirects": false,
        "enableCookies": false,
        "useTrustStore": false
      "authentication": null
    "routingRuleName": null,
    "format": "apt",
    "type": "proxy"
    "name": "nuget.org-proxy",
    "url": "",
    "online": true,
    "storage": {
      "blobStoreName": "default",
      "strictContentTypeValidation": true,
      "writePolicy": "ALLOW"
    "cleanup": null,
    "proxy": {
      "remoteUrl": "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json",
      "contentMaxAge": 1440,
      "metadataMaxAge": 1440
    "negativeCache": {
      "enabled": true,
      "timeToLive": 1440
    "httpClient": {
      "blocked": false,
      "autoBlock": false,
      "connection": {
        "retries": null,
        "userAgentSuffix": null,
        "timeout": null,
        "enableCircularRedirects": false,
        "enableCookies": false,
        "useTrustStore": false
      "authentication": null
    "routingRuleName": null,
    "nugetProxy": {
      "queryCacheItemMaxAge": 3600,
      "nugetVersion": "V3"
    "format": "nuget",
    "type": "proxy"

Tip: you can create a backup of your current structure calling the api-url with
{url to your nexus instance}/service/rest/v1/repositorySettings.
You can use it as a loaded JSON variable to restore your repository, group, and blobstore structure, or simply for cheating on the structure ;-)

How does it work?

  • Every defined blob store within the repos will be build as fileblob, if it doesn't exist.
  • Every defined repository or group will be created, if it's absent.
  • Every defined repository or group will be updated with the json's content.


Import this role to your project with fulfied prerequisites.