Holochain React Redux demo app

Basic holochain application serving as a template for further app development on holochain platform.

GitHub last commit License: GPL v3


Full Holochain application consists of:

  • holochain server communicating with other nodes over p2p network
  • front-end app loaded into browser window that communicates with hc server via API

Code in this template has been separated into two logical parts - frontend and backend, which is convenient for development. Front-end is served by webpack server therefore allows for hot reloads while back-end is running on hcdev server as a separate process only for exposing API. At this point hcdev does not support hot reloads, therefore you need to restart it after each change to backend's code.

In production though entire application is served by holochain server, therefore needs to be built and structured differently. Instructions how to compile for production have been included in Compiling section.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.

[TODO] add tests :-)


Ensure holochain-proto (at least version 26) is installed on your machine by running.

hcd -v

If you would like to install latest holochain-proto you can do it from source or download binaries.

You will also need to have npm/yarn installed to run compiling scripts and development server.

Installing app

Install the javascript packages with

cd frontend
npm install

Start frontend on port 3000

npm start

Start backend HC server on port 4141 (in a new terminal window)

cd backend
hcdev web 4141

The front-end app is served at http://localhost:3000. Backend exposes API at http://localhost:4141.

Demo app

UI of this demo consists of two components:

  • simple click counter
  • shopping list with the form

State of a counter is stored locally in Redux state, while state of the list is stored on Holochain's DHT. Try making changes to both and then reload the page.

Once you run an app on multiple devices they will bootstrap to DHT via bootstrap server and start exchanging messages. This means each instance will see other instances' shopping list entries.

At this point communication between server and front-end is over uni-directional HTTP protocol. Also HTTP polling was not implemented to keep this demo simple. Therefore you will have to reload page each time you want to receive fresh data from your server (eg. to see what shopping list elements others broadcasted to the network).

This demo app is Redux Dev Tools ready.

Folder structure

Both backend and frontend require certain folder structer for compilation. Below is a quick description of folder structure in this template:

├── frontend                // Source code of a front-end
│   └── public              // Static files
│   └── src                 // React / Redux app
│       └── App             // App component and all its puzzles
│       │   └── components  // React components
│       │   └── ducks       // Redux actions and reducers - all ducks in one basket
│       │   └── hc_api      // Wrapper functions for backend's POST API
│       │   └── middleware  // Redux middleware
│       └── index.js        // Entry point of a frontend application
│       └── reducer.js      // Init of Redux reducer
│       └── store.js        // Init of Redux store
├── backend                 // Source code of a back-end
│   └── dna                 // Holochain DNA folder
│   └── test                // HC tests
│   └── ui                  // Location of a frontend code if served by holochain server
└── docs                    // Obvious


If you want to complile your code to a self-contained applicatioin both frontend and backend need to meet in one folder containing entire application, say build.

To do that from project root directory run


This will create a folder /build containing entire application. You can cd to /build and run

hcdev web 4141

Now your application is running on localhost:4141 entirely off holocahin server.

Multi-node scenario

It is possible to simulate a multi user scenario locally on one machine. The easiest way to do it is by starting multiple holochain servers pointing to various identities, and serving data on different ports:

  • First you need to compile an app into /build
  • Once this is done run ./spawn_multi_hcdev.sh from app root dir
  • You can access those instances at http://localhost:4141, http://localhost:4142 and http://localhost:4143
  • To kill all hcdev instances run ./kill_all_hcdev.sh

Happy hacking.

Built With


Creted by peeech.

Based on hc-ts-template by:


This project is licensed under the GPL-3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details