
RUBY - It's a pooling / tracking application using - Rails - Bootstrap - Googlecharts.

Primary LanguageRuby


It’s a pooling / tracking application using

- Rails
- Bootstrap
- Googlecharts.

*It splits a large data model into different objects. *It has a

- pool model with many different trackers(aka questions)
- a tracker model with a single or many possible trackers
- a possible tracker model
- a submission(replay) model with many different answers
  one ofor each tracker(question)
- an answer model that holds the data from the submission

*The solution separates the concerns about data processing.

- it stores the data into respective models
- it transforms the model data and digest it through charts
  providing an abstraction that the
  chart library can consume.
- provided abstraction allow us to use different tools:
  Google Charts, HighCharts or even D3.js
without affecting the data models.



- Generic data processing to create charts from  any possible models
- Create a ChartSerialiser class instead of only PoolSerializer class
- Work on validations
- Use JavaScript in order to enhance a user experience

==Project description and more

Tracker setup and description