

Full Stack Open 2023

Awesome course by University of Helsinki - Finland
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Roadmap
  3. Contact
  4. Acknowledgments

About The Project



  • Part 0 Fundamentals of Web apps
    • Mermaid Diagram
  • Part 1 Introduction to React
    • React.js
  • Part 2 Communicating with server
    • React.js, Axios, OpenWeather API, Country API, json-server
  • Part 3 Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
    •, Express.js, Mongoose
  • Part 4 Testing Express servers, user administration
    • Express.js, BCrypt, JWT, Mongoose, Supertest
  • Part 5 Testing React apps
    • Cypress, React, Jest, ESLint
  • Part 6 State management with Redux
    • React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Axios, Jest, ESLint
  • Part 7 React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
    • Express.js, BCrypt, JWT, Mongoose, ESlint, Jest, Supertest

Built With

Here are the main libraries/services used in this project.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Material-UI
  • MongoDB
  • Javascript
  • Express.js
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Jest
  • Cypress

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  • Complete the Main Courses (Part0 to Part7)
  • Complete the Additional Courses
    • Complete Part8
    • Complete Part9
    • Complete Part10
    • Complete Part11
    • Complete Part12
    • Complete Part13

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Contact Me

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