
Everything @peerigon talks about...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Bias: designing for defaults.

We encounter bias in our everyday lives, from washing our hands in the morning to our after-work playlist. It continues to have an effect on our products and systems and, if unquestioned, can sometimes entail serious risks. This talk illustrates the broad spectrum of our human and machine biases and gives a perspective on how we can all help to counteract them.

Why we should all care about data bias

This talk is about a topic that should concern all software developers & product designers: Many applications that we develop every day are designed - without us realizing it - for a 'norm person' that doesn't exist. We discuss where these biases hide in the data & design, what problems they cause when, for example, washing hands, and what we can do about them.

Building Resilient Tech Stacks

This discussion is all about resilient tech stacks: how can they be defined, what do they entail? And: why is it important to keep the balance between adapting cutting edge technology and evaluating its persistency for the future.

Short version of: Wenn das Team anfängt, zu denken: Eine Liebeserklärung an die Partizipation? (DE)

Die Welt ist im Wandel und wir mit ihr. Auch die Arbeitswelt wird neu gedacht. Es gibt viele neue Ideen der Zusammenarbeit. Die Partizipation scheint ein vielversprechender und zeitgemäßer Weg. Doch wo fängt Parizipation an und wo hört diese auf?

How to pack your webpack

You are scared of webpack configs and you have no clue how they work? Perfect! This talk is for you. I will teach you hands-on tips on how to properly configure webpack for your project.

It started with a button (now we’re here)

A story of the ’90s, clickability, accessibility and buttons on the web: what do they look like, why does it matter, and what can go wrong? Including 13 valuable PROTIPS™️ to improve your button game!

Gründen morgen: Der Wille zum Sinn! (DE)

"Stephan Batteiger, Co-Founder der Peerigon GmbH erinnert uns mit seinem Talk daran, wie unwichtig Geld sein kann wenn man selbst nicht glücklich ist!" – Digitales Zentrum Schwaben

Digitale Kommunikation bei Peerigon (DE)

Als verteiltes Team sitzen wir bei Peerigon nur selten alle in einem Raum, kommunizieren aber trotzdem den ganzen Tag über Kontinente hinweg miteinander. Dafür nutzen wir verschiedenste digitale Tools, die je nach Art der Information, Zielgruppe & Dringlichkeit ausgewählt werden. Wir möchten einen Einblick geben wie wir digitale Kommunikation nutzen und darüber diskutieren ob Tooling allein unsere Kommunikationsprobleme lösen kann.

Webpack config tips

A talk with hands-on tips for improving your webpack configuration.

Approaching Vue.js

This talk is all about exploring Vue.js and the first steps in the Vue CLI (coming from the React.js Universe).

Wenn das Team anfängt, zu denken: Eine Liebeserklärung an die Partizipation? (DE)

Die Welt ist im Wandel und wir mit ihr. Auch die Arbeitswelt wird neu gedacht. Es gibt viele neue Ideen der Zusammenarbeit. Die Partizipation scheint ein vielversprechender und zeitgemäßer Weg. Doch wo fängt Parizipation an und wo hört diese auf?

Führungskultur im Wandel: Wohin geht die Reise? (DE)

Führungskultur im Wandel: Wohin geht die Reise?

The future of JavaScript bundlers

With ES modules implemented in all major browsers, do we even need to use JavaScript bundlers? This talk is about current web platform proposals that could make JS bundling easier or even obsolete. In the end, you will also learn about reasons why you'd probably still want to use a bundler in the future.

The future of JavaScript bundlers

With ES modules implemented in all major browsers, do we even need to use JavaScript bundlers? This talk is about current web platform proposals that could make JS bundling easier or even obsolete. In the end, you will also learn about reasons why you'd probably still want to use a bundler in the future.

Webpack deep dive

You are scared of your webpack config and you have no clue what's going on under the hood? Perfect! This talk is for you. You will learn what webpack is, how it works and how to get the most out of it.

Arbeit ganzheitlich denken (DE)

Arbeit ganzheitlich denken: Praxiserfahrungen aus dem Unternehmen Peerigon.

  • Stephan Batteiger
  • Paul und Paula, Dachau
  • October 22nd, 2018
  • Slides

Big-IoT-Learning - Die Zukunft beginnt heute! (DE)

Warum sollte ich auf Big-Data, Internet of Things oder Deep Learning setzen? Woher kommen die Daten? Datenschutz und -sicherheit? Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten? Was sind die ersten Schritte?

Webpack deep dive

You are scared of your webpack config and you have no clue what's going on under the hood? Perfect! This talk is for you. You will learn what webpack is, how it works and how to get the most out of it.

The bumpy road to Universal JavaScript

Since the mid 90s, developers have struggled to build web applications that can be executed both on the client and the server. And still today, even with Node.js and virtual DOM libraries like React, this can be quite challenging.

In this talk, we'll look at common obstacles and problems that developers face when building this type of web application, including typical performance and security issues. You'll leave the presentation knowing how to build a fast and secure web application that can be rendered on the client and the server.

The bumpy road to Universal JavaScript

Since the mid 90s, developers have struggled to build web applications that can be executed both on the client and the server. And still today, even with Node.js and virtual DOM libraries like React, this can be quite challenging.

In this talk, we'll look at common obstacles and problems that developers face when building this type of web application, including typical performance and security issues. You'll leave the presentation knowing how to build a fast and secure web application that can be rendered on the client and the server.


HTTP/2 is not the new kid on the block anymore, but it's still not as widely adopted as one might think. This talk is about the history of HTTP, reasons why HTTP 1.x does not work as well anymore and of course about the architecture and features of HTTP/2.

App Strategie - Der Weg zur Nummer Eins (DE)

Wie erreiche ich alle Smartphone-Nutzer? Was zeichnet eine gute App aus? Wie erreiche ich ein hohes Engagement der Nutzer? Wie schaffe ich das nötige Wachstum?

JavaScript RoadTrip

Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop: Everybody uses Web applications like Spotify, Slack or Facebook every day. So why not develop an infotainment system based on open web technology? We want to share our experience gained in the developing of the Sono Motors infotainment system: What do you have to keep in mind for using it in a car? How can you implement an interface on Smartphone and Dashboard? How is it even possible to control and pilot a car with JavaScript? After this talk your dream of your own infotainment system is closer then ever!

HTTP/2 for data networking

Everyone is talking about the impact of HTTP/2 (H2) on static assets like HTML, CSS or images. But what does it mean for data? How does it change REST and do we still need WebSockets? This talk highlights some basics of H2 and aims to answer common questions by API developers with benchmarks performed using H1 and H2 repectively.

HTTPS with Let's Encrypt

Since Let's Encrypt launched in 2016, the project has gone through the roof: 20 million issued certificates, almost 25 million fully qualified domains active. Many webhosters are supporting the deployment of Let's Encrypt certificates automatically via their webinterfaces. However, deploying HTTPS professionally brings along higher requirements like HSTS in combination with HPKP, which needs more background knowledge and configuration. I will give you a short insight into how Let's Encrypt works and other TLS/HTTPS security best practices.

JavaScript on Hardware

There is not need to learn low level languages to interact with hardware anymore. This talk -- which is actually more like a live coding session -- demos hardware interaction on the espruino Pico and on a Raspberry Pi.

The future of frontend tooling

Our frontend toolstack has become quite complex over the past few years. In order to overcome typical problems when building large websites, we've built a variety of tools with shiny names like Grunt, Gulp or Webpack. However, things are about to change. With new technologies like HTTP2, ES2015 and Web Components around the corner, we need to ask ourselves: are the best practices from today still valid in the future? What kind of tools will we be using in the next few years? Will we need them at all? In my talk, I am going to show you how these new technologies will change the way we work.

CSS from the future

New upcoming CSS features that will blow your mind. Get a sneak preview of CSS custom properties, the CSS grid layout and the mysterious Houdini drafts.

Introduction to Docker

What is Docker and why we need it - VM vs. Docker - Docker tools - Creating a container - Ecosystem - Alternatives.

Arbeit ganzheitlich denken (DE)

Arbeit ganzheitlich denken: Praxiserfahrungen aus dem Unternehmen Peerigon.

  • Stephan Batteiger
  • Tag der Regionen, Petersberg
  • October 3th, 2016
  • Slides

The future of frontend tooling

Our frontend toolstack has become quite complex over the past few years. In order to overcome typical problems when building large websites, we've built a variety of tools with shiny names like Grunt, Gulp or Webpack. However, things are about to change. With new technologies like HTTP2, ES2015 and Web Components around the corner, we need to ask ourselves: are the best practices from today still valid in the future? What kind of tools will we be using in the next few years? Will we need them at all? In my talk, I am going to show you how these new technologies will change the way we work.

Dr. Flexbox or how I learned to stop worrying and vertically align the box

What every frontend developer should know about display: flex.

App Strategie - Der Weg zur Nummer Eins (DE)

Wie erreiche ich alle Smartphone-Nutzer? Was zeichnet eine gute App aus? Wie erreiche ich ein hohes Engagement der Nutzer? Wie schaffe ich das nötige Wachstum?

The Future of JavaScript

ES2015 (ES6) landed the browsers near you and you should start using it right now. This talk is about why and how to use ES2015 and what the future of JavaScript will look like.

  • Michael Jaser
  • Web&Speck Innsbruck, Austria
  • January 28th, 2016
  • Slides

Frontend management – yesterday, today and tomorrow?

Detailed overview of the state of frontend management tools and recent updates to underlying technologies like HTTP2 and ES2015 modules.

Native Apps Are Deprecated

State of Mobile Web, Hybrid Apps and what the future will (hopefully) look like.

  • Michael Jaser
  • Xitaso Mobile Day
  • November 7th, 2015
  • Slides

JSConf.eu 2015 Recap

Recap of JSConf.eu 2015.

Fighting Spaghetti-Code with Promises & Generators

How ES2015 makes your code more readable and maintainable using Promises and Generators.


alamid-schema: Extendable mongoose-like schemas for node.js and the browser.


alamid-api: Abstracting different transports (http/websockets) and libraries to a unite them all.


webpack: Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jade, coffee, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.