
forked from https://git.steve.org.uk/git/skx/lua-httpd.git

Primary LanguageLua


This package contains a simple networking extension library for Lua 5.1 which is implemented and exported from a C shared library (.so).

It may be installed system-wide and used by your Lua scripts with ease.


Compile and install the library with:


make install  (as root).

This will install the library into the directory /usr/lib/lua/5.1 along with a helper package into /usr/share/lua51.


Once the library has been installed you can use it from your Lua scripts easily.

Please see the documentation included in docs/ for details.

Demonstration Code

The package comes complete with several small examples inside the API documentation which you can find beneath the docs/ directory.

More complete sample code is included:

httpd.lua - A simple HTTP server written in Lua using the primitives. This server understands virtual hosts, and will serve using your systems installed MIME types database.

The vhosts directory will contain a sub-directory for each virtual host you wish to serve, for example:

	./vhosts/my-host-name/htdocs  - The web root
	./vhosts/my-host-name/logs    - Where logfiles are saved

client.lua - A very simple HTTP client written in Lua using the primitives.


This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Lesser Public License.

