
Libft is the first project in Hive Helsinki where the objective is to recode important and useful functions from the standard C library and create a static library to be used in future projects.

Primary LanguageC


42's libft project's objective is to re-code some of the most useful libc functions to create our own static library. This library is used in all of the projects during studies at 42 school.


In sources you will find all the .c source files of this project. In total there were more than 50 functions to be recoded, e.g.: strcmp, split.

How to use?

run the following command in terminal of your choice make which will compile the project and create libft.a library archive.

What did I learn?

  1. To free() all dynamically allocated memory.
  2. Bash scripting for running tests.
  3. Basics of pointer arithmetics.
  4. Making sure that char arrays end in \0.
  5. Basics of Makefile.
  6. Writing clean and readable code.

What did I struggle with?

  1. Pointers, as it was hard to understand them at first.
  2. Memory leaks.
  3. Documenting the code.

Bash Scripts

During the project I felt the need to automate some tasks. I achieved this by learning about bash scripts. Click here to see the bash scripts. The most useful was the proto, which updates the protoypes to the header file and .c files to the Makefile.

Some of these scripts might be useful for someone doing this project.

NOTE: make sure you understand what they do before you use them!


  • ✅ Graded on 12/30/2021
  • ✅ Score: 100
  • ✅ Retry: 1 after two peer evaluations. Peer evaluator found edge cases for ft_strjoin.c and memory leaks in ft_strsplit.c for which I gave up and retried.