
Configurable Prometheus Servlet Bundle for Dropwizard

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Configurable Prometheus Servlet Bundle for Dropwizard

CircleCI Maven Central License

Dropwizard Dropwizard Dropwizard Dropwizard Dropwizard

Adds support for exposing Dropwizard metrics as Prometheus compatible metrics through a dedicated servlet.

Using your Dropwizard applications configuration file it is easy to customize metrics and map metric names to a more user-friendly version including support for labels.


This bundle exposes metrics from a Dropwizard application in a Prometheus compatible format. Through the applications configuration file the name of the exposed metrics can be modified and labels can be added for each metric independently.

Internally the official Prometheus JVM Client implementation is being used to map the Dropwizard metrics as well as to expose the metrics through a dedicated servlet accessible via the admin connector using context path /prometheusMetrics.

Information regarding the sanitizing of dropwizard metric names can be found at the Prometheus DropwizardExports Collector section.

General information regarding the Prometheus Data Model.

Getting started

The artifacts including source and binaries are available on the central Maven repositories.

For maven:


For gradle:

implementation group: 'de.peetzen.dropwizard', name: 'dropwizard-metrics-prometheus-servlet-bundle', version: '4.0.2'

Dropwizard compatibility

Due to breaking changes between Dropwizard versions different versions of this library are provided:

Dropwizard Version Library Version Comment
v4.x 4.0.2 For latest Dropwizard version.
v3.x 3.0.2
v1.x & v2.x 1.0.0

Bundle loading

Your main configuration class needs to implement the PrometheusMetricsServletBundle interface:

public class MyConfiguration extends Configuration implements PrometheusMetricsServletBundleConfiguration {

    // the interface defines a default implementation for getPrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration()

Add the PrometheusMetricsServletBundle bundle to your application:

public class MyApplication extends Application<MyConfiguration> {

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
        // Add bundle to serv metrics in prometheus compatible format at /prometheusMetrics
        bootstrap.addBundle(new PrometheusMetricsServletBundle());


    public void run(MyConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {
        // your existing logic


In order to expose all metrics from the Dropwizard default metric registry with the default sample mapping under /prometheusMetrics, it is enough to include the bundle in your classpath and adjust your application code as shown above. Optional code and configuration changes allow you to control the behaviour.

Built-in configuration options

To change the default behaviour, the suggested approach is through the Dropwizard application configuration file. You can add a section to your Dropwizard applications configuration file with the following control options:

  path: /prometheusMetrics
    type: default
    extractDynamicLabels: true
  excludes: (none)
  includes: (all)
  useRegexFilters: false
  useSubstringMatching: false

The root key prometheusMetrics depends on the JsonProperty name in your application Configuration implementation and can be changed.

To allow loading the values from the configuration file the main Configuration class needs to extend the PrometheusMetricsServletBundle interface and the getPrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration() must be overridden in a way that the actual configuration is loaded from the application configuration file:

public class MyConfiguration extends Configuration implements PrometheusMetricsServletBundleConfiguration {

    private PrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration prometheusMetrics;

    public PrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration getPrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration() {
        return prometheusMetrics;

Configuration Options

The following general options are available. The sample builder specific options are documented further below.

Name Default Description
path /prometheusMetrics Web context used to expose the metrics in the Prometheus format.
sampleBuilder.type default The sample builder type. Provided are default, simple-mapping, custom-mapping. Extendable with your own implementation.
sampleBuilder.extractDynamicLabels true Controls if labels should be extracted from the metric name. Available for all built-in types.
excludes (none) Metrics to exclude by name. When defined, matching metrics will not show up.
includes (all) Metrics to include by name. When defined, only these metrics will be reported.
useRegexFilters false Indicates whether the values of the 'includes' and 'excludes' fields should be treated as regular expressions or not.
useSubstringMatching false Uses a substring matching strategy to determine whether a metric should be processed.

The inclusion and exclusion rules are defined as:

  • If includes is empty, then all metrics are included;
  • If includes is not empty, only metrics from this list are included;
  • If excludes is empty, no metrics are excluded;
  • If excludes is not empty, then exclusion rules take precedence over inclusion rules. Thus, if a name matches the exclusion rules it will not be included in reports even if it also matches the inclusion rules.

When neither useRegexFilters nor useSubstringMatching are enabled, a default exact matching strategy will be used to determine whether a metric should be processed. In case both useRegexFilters and useSubstringMatching are set, useRegexFilters takes precedence over useSubstringMatching.

Dynamic Label Sample Builders

By default, dynamic labels are being extracted from the dropwizard metric name. Labels can be encoded in the metric name as my.metric.something[label1:value1,label2:value2] and are automatically parsed and added to the mapped prometheus metric. The prometheus metric name becomes my.metric.something.

The extraction of dynamic labels can be disabled through the configuration option sampleBuilder.extractDynamicLabels for all built-in implementations.

Default Sample Builder

Maps Dropwizard metric names to Prometheus names using standard rules.

    type: default
    extractDynamicLabels: true
Name Default Description
type REQUIRED The sample builder type. Must be console
extractDynamicLabels true Controls if labels should be extracted from the metric name.

Simple Mapping Sample Builder

Replaces Dropwizard metric names, if they start with a specified string.

    type: simple-mapping
    extractDynamicLabels: true
      some.metric.one: new.name1
      some.metric.two: new.name2
Name Default Description
type REQUIRED The sample builder type. Must be simple-mapping
extractDynamicLabels true Controls if labels should be extracted from the metric name.
mappings REQUIRED Explicit mappings defined as key: value pairs. The matched part key is replaced using the provided value.

Advanced Mapping Sample Builder

Replaces Dropwizard metric names, if they match a specified pattern.

Supports * as a wildcard character to match, and keywords $0, $1, .. to reference the matched value. The references can be used within the mapped metric name as well as to add dynamic label values.

    type: custom-mapping
    extractDynamicLabels: true
      some.metric.*: new.name.$0
        name: new.name.$0
          - my_label:some_value
          - second_label:other_value
        name: new.name.$1
          - my_label:$0

Mappings can be defined in two formats, a key: value syntax to define the pattern and the name value that should be used instead. The other option is to provide an object with a name attribute and an optional list of labels, each label expressed as a single string using the format label:value.

Name Default Description
type REQUIRED The sample builder type. Must be custom-mapping
extractDynamicLabels true Controls if labels should be extracted from the metric name.
mappings REQUIRED Mapping configurations (both forms are acceptable).
mappings[].name REQUIRED The name value that should be used instead of the matched pattern. Only required if the object notation is used.
mappings[].labels (none) List of labels to add to the exposed Prometheus metric.

Template for Dropwizard's built-in metrics

Dropwizard comes with several instrumented classes by default and those metrics can easily be mapped to a more user-friendly format.

Here is a template for some of the core metrics:

    type: custom-mapping
      # Dropwizard default instrumented classes
        name: servlet.requests
          - method:$0
        name: servlet.responses
          - code:$0
        name: servlet.responses.percent
          - code:$0
          - timeframe:$1
      io.dropwizard.jetty.MutableServletContextHandler.*-*: servlet.$1.$0
      io.dropwizard.jetty.MutableServletContextHandler.*: servlet.$0
        name: logger
          - level:$0
        name: client.http.requests
          - name:$0
          - method:$1
        name: client.http.connections.$1
          - name:$0
        name: server.connections
          - port:$0
        name: server.threadpools.$1
          - name:$0

Metric filtering

The exposed metrics can be limited through the configuration options stated above. The metric name matching happens on the unmapped Dropwizard metrics names. If more flexibility is required, the PrometheusMetricsServletConfiguration#getDefaultFilter() method can be overridden as needed.

In some scenarios you might want to use the exact same filter for the standard Dropwizard Metric Servlet and this Prometheus Metric Bundle. To support this, the same Servlet Context configuration approach exists. An instance of MetricFilter can be provided via the servlet context using the name de.peetzen.dropwizard.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsServletBundle.metricFilter. If preferred, you can subclass PrometheusMetricsServletBundle.ContextListener, which will add a specific MetricFilter to the servlet context.

public class MyApplication extends Application<MyConfiguration> {

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
        // add bundle

    public void run(MyConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {
        // programmatically set servlet context attributes
        var filter = MetricFilter.startsWith("org");
        environment.getAdminContext().setAttribute(MetricsServlet.METRIC_FILTER, filter);
        environment.getAdminContext().setAttribute(PrometheusMetricsServletBundle.METRIC_FILTER, filter);

Furthermore, the internally used Prometheus Exporter supports basic filtering. The filter can be configured through the MetricServlet's initialization parameters. See implementation of the io.prometheus.client.servlet.common.exporter.Exporter class for details. The filtering is done on the mapped metric names.

public class MyApplication extends Application<MyConfiguration> {

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
        // add bundle

    public void run(MyConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {
        // programmatically set init parameters of the internally used metric servlet
            .setInitParameter("name-must-be-equal-to", "org_eclipse_jetty_util_thread_QueuedThreadPool_dw_admin_jobs");

Extension Support

The supported functionality is not enough, you want a more customized mapping solution or a different configuration structure?

Do not hesitate to extend PrometheusSampleBuilderFactory and provide your own custom implementation.

Development notes

  • The configuration options for metric filtering and the implementation are based on the Dropwizard Metrics Reporters.
  • The used io.prometheus.client.dropwizard.DropwizardExports implementation does not support filtering of metric attributes.
  • Due to an open issue with the Prometheus Client a few classes have been copied over and altered to allow more flexible match patterns.