
21 days challenge course by Kevin Powell

Primary LanguageHTML


Challenge 1


  • Websites are responsive by default, There is no need for the height, it is cause for al sort of problems, if you need to give an element a height, just don't!
  • If you need more background use padding.

Challenge 2


When getting in to bigger screensizes we want to Change the layout to limit the total line length of text(the text is stretchen all across) the solution is to set a max-width: it let's you design for your big screens without things stretching from one side to another, it's limit the space your are working in.

Challenge 3


  • Build your own responsive website with the design that's given. Put all that you have learned into practice!



  • display flex => flex container => allways the parent, default = row.
  • Gap is very useful but only supported by firefox => the solution = col + col = margin.
  • Build the responsive website with the design that's given using flexbox.
  • With flexbox there is allways gonna be a parent and the directive children becoming the columns.
  • When using media-queries start with the smallest screen (mobile-first).
  • Don't use fixed media-queries, look at where the design breaks and improve accordingly.