
:zap: Tools for building bots

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Table of Contents

Platform Documentation

Tools For Building Bots

  • wit.ai - Easily create text or voice based bots that humans can chat with.
  • Botkit - Botkit eases the process of designing and running bots that live inside Slack.
  • api.ai - Build brand-unique, natural language interactions for devices, applications and services.
  • Text It - Visually build SMS and voice apps to engage your customers.
  • Chatfuel - The intuitive bot builder with AI navigation. No coding required.
  • Watson - Bring the power of cognitive computing to your apps.
  • Beep Boop - Beep Boop is a simple hosting platform for your Slack and Messenger bots.
  • Dexter - Get a Slack bot that responds with answers from your own Google Sheet.
  • Converse AI - Respond to customer questions instantly with intelligent chatbot technology.
  • Gupshup - Easiest & fastest way to build & deploy your bots on any channel.
  • Haven OnDemand - They are similar APIs as that of watson, but far well documented and have a freemium version.
  • Recast.AI - Collaborative Bot Platform for developers: build conversational bots easily.

Notes about the Tools For Building Bots

Tool Notes Primary Purpose of the tool
wit.ai AI service for the bot builders to understand - intent of the user and the input parameters set by the user. Uses NLP. Provides RESTful API as well NLP
Botkit Common framework to build bots and release onto Bot Platform. Currently supports - slack, twilio, facebook Bot-builder

Tools For Bot Analytics

  • ChatMetrics - Engagement platform for bots. ChatMetrics allows to reactivate inactive users and improve retention by sending "smart" notifications to users.
  • Dialog - Chatbot analytics platform for marketers to drive user engagement, retention, conversion and understand behavior.
  • Dashbot - Actionable Bot Analytics: Increase user engagement, acquisition, and monetization.

Tools For Bot Conversation Mockups

  • Bot Society - Bot conversation Mockups for presentation and demo.
  • Bot Sketch - Sketch Chatbot UI (Mac Only)



  • Qtypes - Rule based Answer Type classification system in Node.js.
  • BotKit - Botkit is a toolkit for making bot applications.
  • Claudia Bot Builder - Create chat bots for FB, Slack, Skype and Telegram and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes.
  • Universal Bot Framework - Create crossplatform chat bots for FB Messenger, Kik, Telegram and Skype with just one logic.
  • Pandorabots - web service for building and deploying chatbots.

Facebook Messenger



Bot Stores






To the extent possible under law, Vishnu Ks has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.