Drupal.org: cleverhoods
LinkedIN: cleverhoods
Github: cleverhoods
Drupal.org: e.escribano
LinkedIN: eescribano
brew install drud/ddev/ddev
This might not be required because ddev will install it for you if needed. If not, then you can run the following command.
brew install mutagen-io/mutagen/mutagen
ddev start
ddev init
Export a database file at the following formats:
database.sql | database.sql.gz
Import DB into ddev when it is up: --target-db=db is the default so you can omit that parameter in the command
ddev import-db --src=_resources/db/ddev-demo.sql.gz
DB can be accessed using phpMyAdmin
ddev launch -p
Start environment.
ddev start
Stop environment.
ddev stop
Start over the containers, and reload their configuration.
ddev restart
Remove all persistent data from a project, similar to prune
ddev remove projectname --remove-data -O
Delete all project information (including database) for an existing project
ddev delete
Check logs for the docker containers.
ddev logs -s [container_name]
Run a shell at the PHP container(default), other containers
ddev ssh -s [container_name]
To launch the website
ddev launch
We have the update command in all ddev projects that handles the actions needed to update the instance when changing branches for example. It will run composer install, and all the drush commands to get the DB up to speed and imports of new configuration changes.
ddev update
Before running the core update it will do the drupal sync so you are always up to speed.
ddev update --core
Before running the module update it will do the drupal sync so you are always up to speed.
ddev update --module [modulename]
By default this project is set with mutagen. If you need to alter configuration, for example turn off mutagen create a file called config.local.yaml and add this line:
mutagen_enabled: false
Set xdebug on
ddev xdebug on
Set xdebug off
ddev xdebug off
SOLR configuration has been moved inside .ddev folder, that will be mounted in the solr cores created in ddev. Check .ddev/solr-demo and .ddev/solr-umami