
halp++ compiled language

Primary LanguageRust

HALPPP - basically halp++


WIP Documentation

Text editor included


halppp compiles to c++ and is inspired by c#/c++/python/rust and probably some more. It's experimental language that removes/reduce alot of the common tokens that's mandatory in alot of languages. Such as...

  • {}
  • ()
  • ;

Since it compiles to c++ you can do pretty much anything with it and explore it's capabilities. I really haven't got to formatting the documentation of the language yet. But it's in the works... There's alot of interesting features that's probably very confusing to see first time. like the do/dore/dobr/doco/doremi and select


git clone https://github.com/peg0ne/halppp.git
# install compiler
cd halppp/compiler
cp main $HOME/.local/bin/halppp
# install "build tool"
cd ../hamble
halppp main.ha -r
cp main $HOME/.local/bin/hamble++
# install texteditor
cd ../hide
hamble++ build -r
hamble++ do make


Hello world

get => print

//fn main always have the `int argc` and `char** argv` arguments available 
//it's just not necessary to add it into the function parameters
fn main =>
    println("Hello World!")

How a class/struct looks like

class ClassName
    string _name = ""
    int _a
    ClassName int a =>
        _a = a
        _name = "ClassName"
    fn sum int b => int
        return _a + b
    fn set_name string name => do _name = name

Here's some stuff that show some features

complex operators

  • [=|=] Any Equals
if x =|= 1 : 2 : 3)
same as
if x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 3
  • [=&=] All Equals
if x =&= 1 : 2 : 3
same as
if x == 1 && x == 2 && x == 3
  • [=!=] All Not Equals
if x =!= 1 : 2 : 3
same as
if x != 1 && x != 2 && x != 3
  • [=>=] All More Than
if x =>= 1 : 2 : 3
same as
if x > 1 && x > 2 && x > 3
  • [=<=] All Less Than
if x =<= 1 : 2 : 3
same as
if x < 1 && x < 2 && x < 3

Lambda declarations / Anonymous functions

> <id> <captured values> (<parameters>)
> <id> <captured values> (<parameters>) do/doremi code...

let a = 1
let b = 2
let c = 3
> sum a, b (int n) doremi a + b + n
> sum a, b, c () doremi a + b + n
> sum (int a, int b, int c) doremi a + b + n

Extend classes (useful for larger classes)

get => print
class A
    int val = 0
    extend => A/hello

fn main =>
    let a = A()

//file A/hello.ha
fn hello => do println($"hello world {val}")