AUtomaTISTIC is a tasker/WatchMaker based Personal Assistance System running on and/or utilising smartphone, smartwatch, headset

MIT LicenseMIT


AUtomaTISTIC is a Tasker/WatchMaker based Personal Assistance System running on and/or utilising smartphone, smartwatch (WatchMaker watch: TMI2) and headset


I would like to thank the developers of Tasker and WatchMaker for the possibilities they have given! Kudos!!!

I do believe in "credit where credit is due" but at present I don't have all the names at hand. I will review my sources in the upcoming months to see who's name should be included in this section. If you feel your name should be here as well, open an issue which should include your name/handle and link to the source you're referring to and I'll review your request.

Current stage of development:

I'm currently remodelling the code to utilize dynamic setup, user interface & storage/synchronisation, which means most of the tasks are being rewritten, UI elements are being drafted & designed and options need to be researched.

Current Capabilities:

TODO This list is still incomplete



  • phone power,
  • watch power,
  • day of week,
  • time of day,
  • calendar event,
  • wifi connection,
  • gps location,
  • foreground app


  • change volume settings,
  • toggle DND mode,
  • toggle wifi tethering,
  • pause/resume adguard,
  • change display brightness

information display:

battery bars for phone battery, headset battery & smartwatch battery on both phone and smartwatch headset information displayed on watch (I have multiple headsets, bluetooth and wired)

Planned functionality:

  • if audioplug is inserted, show dialog for headset/stereo connected
  • webhooks,
  • sqlite, json, cloud based storage,
  • MSQT integration,
  • synchronise timers & alarms between phone & watch
  • Spotify integration