
Hosted by Github, for free!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to Make Your Own Website for Free

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How to create your website for free

  1. Install Jekyll.
  2. Place your photo in /img/profile.png
  3. (Optional) Update the favicon /img/icon.png
  4. Edit _config.yml to give your name, email address, social media contacts, etc. You can also update the color scheme.
  5. _includes folder is basically content part of your pages.
    • You can edit content in /_includes/about_me.html and /_includes/interests.html
  6. _layouts is where you keeep the repeating parts of your pages like the template or the html wrapper.
    • You can also edit this part to use different javascript libraries or frameworks.
    • You can redesign this in React even!
  7. Buy a domain name from GoDaddy or NameCheap
  8. Follow this guide to use a custom domain for your free github website.
    • Put your domain into CNAME file. starting with www.
    • You might also want to contact you domain provider about the dig command.
    • After DNS settings are done with your domain provider, build your website and upload your code to github.