A simple speller for people having difficulty finding words.
Expected installed programs are GIT, NPM, nodeJS.
This code is intended to be used in terminal/command line/bash in unix systems.
Enter these commands in Terminal:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/pegasuspect/spelling.git
cd spelling
npm install
echo 'test' | node index.js
echo 'Philanthropy' | node index.js
echo 'Name Lastname' | node index.js
echo 'test@spelling.com' | node index.js
You may also define a bash method, like an alias to call from. Such as:
spell ()
echo $* | node /FIND_YOUR_FULL_PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER/index.js
You should change FIND_YOUR_FULL_PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER with your own full_path.
Mine was something like /Users/username/spelling
For that pwd
command is useful.