
Custom collectstatic that compares cached md5 hashes and ignores modified_time

Primary LanguagePython



The fast collectstatic for Django projects with S3 as storage backend.

Running Django's collectstatic command can become really slow as more and more files are added to a project, especially if heavy libraries such as jQuery UI are included in the source. This is a custom management command that compares the md5 sum of files with S3 and completely ignores modified_time. The results of the hash lookups are cached locally using your default Django cache. This can make deploying much faster!


Install the app using pip:

$ pip install Collectfast

Make sure you have this in your settings file and add 'collectfast' to your INSTALLED_APPS:

STATICFILES_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage"
    # …


Collectfast overrides Django's builtin collectstatic command so just run python manage.py collectstatic as normal. You can disable collectfast by using the --ignore-etag option.


Original idea taken from djangosnippets

Creative Commons License
Collectfast by FundedByMe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.