
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Auto Action

Start with a regular spine controller, and include. This could be easily adapted not to require Spine.

  @include window.AutoAction
  hello_world: ()->
<a data-click="hello_world">Hello World</a>

data-event_name works, where event_name is the name of a standard jquery event. Currently supported: click, submit, focus, change, keydown. Additions here are trivial.

Extra Features:

Event Target

  new_contents: (target)->
    target.html('Replacement Contents')
<a data-click="new_contents">Original Contents</a>

Form Data:

  set_fridge: (target, data)->
    data.refrigerator == 'open' # true

Use on a form or input element to have its data included. Remember that the submit event specifically only gets triggered

<form data-submit="set_fridge">
	<input name="refrigerator" value='open'>


before, callbacks are implemented, after and after_ajax (when deferred object returned) are in the pipeline.

  # controller
  constructor ->
    before @extract_options, only: 'send_form'
  extract_options: (target, data)->

Transparent Ajax

When an action name is prefixed with get_ or post_, it will be treated as ajax appropriately. Any form data or passed arguments will be sent to the a sensible URL. The controller must respond to @resource() with an object that returns to url(method_name). Any method with the ajax prefix removed and a status suffix of success, complete, or error will be used as a callback.

Additionally, a method window.ajax should be implemented which accepts an options hash. This can be as simple as a passthrough to $.ajax

# your library code:
window.ajax = $.ajax

# your controller:
  resource() ->

  # response after a post reqest to '/users/1/fridge'
  fridge_success: (target, data)->
    # data is the response data, not the form data
<form data-submit="post_fridge">
	<input name="refrigerator" value='open'>

Method Arguments

Arguments can be seperated by commas, and will be given as strings as the first arguments to a method. This means that all usages of an argumented method should employ the same number of arguments.

  change_state: (state, target)->

Use on a form or input element to have its data included. Remember that the submit event specifically only gets triggered

<form data-submit="set_fridge">
	<input name="state, yellow" value='open'>

Data validation

Currently all forms with be validated with jquery validator. (This strict dependency should be made lax).

Rails-like responders

Accessible in all methods are the commands get, post, and ajax. These accept options to which will be mage in to ajax requests on the adjournment of the method.

Contributions welcome
