
node.js style EventEmitter for client side

EventEmitter subscribe/publish events

###API Reference => [http://nodejs.org/api/events.html]

####Some difference with the NodeJS require('events').EventEmitter module:

  • One more Class method:EventEmitter.mixTo() give the event power to a Constructor or an Object instance.
  • Two more events:removeAllListeners, maxListeners
  • The default count of maxListeners is NO-LIMIT instead of 10.

#####ONLINE examples => http://www.peichao01.com/static_content/module/EventEmitter/


(1). require EventEmitter:

var EventEmitter = require('EventEmitter');//replace with the real id or path

(2). Three ways to generate a EventEmitter:

var e = new EventEmitter();
var o = {}; 
function Klass(){}; 
var k = new Klass();

(3). usage. the GV is global variable, you can replace it with the e or o or k generated in step2.

//(1) subscribe/listen a event
GV.on('event-name', handler);
GV.addListener('event-name', handler);//this will emit/publis a "newListener" event
//GV.on('newListener', function(eventName, handler){…});

// subscribe a once event will publish the "newListener" event too.
// the handler will be removed after excute one time, and then publish a "removeListener" event
//GV.once('event-name', function(eventName, handler){…}); 

//(2) remove handler
GV.removeListener('a', handler);
// publish a "removeListener" event:
// GV.on('removeListener', function(eventName, handler){…});

//(3) remove all handlers that listening event "A"
// remove all handlers that listening any event.
// this will publish a "removeAllListeners":
GV.on('removeAllListeners', function(eventName_or_undefined){});

//(4) publis a event
GV.emit('event-name', eventArgs);

//(5) set the max count of listeners that one event can be listened.
// The "maxListeners" will be published when the handler more than 5.
//GV.on('maxListeners', handler);

//(6) list all the handlers on this event
GV.listeners('event-name')//return [function(){}, function(){}…]

【Example One】 - publish events between the modules:

	//module 1
$('#button').on('click', function(){
	// the arguments can be any count & any type
	GV.emit('mod1-button-click', 'arg1', 'arg2');
	// GV is a global variable, can publish events throw all modules
	// you can listen the GV event or the module event in the module
	e.emit('mod1-button-click', {dom:$(this)});

GV.on('mod1-button-click', function(arg1, arg2){
	console.log(arg1, arg2);
	//do something

//module 2
GV.on('mod1-button-click', function(arg1, arg2){
	//do something

#####Typical usage scenario



【示例二】-- 组件系统的构建

define(function(require, exports, module){
	var EventEmitter = require('script/module/EventEmitter');
	//function Base(){…}
	//Base.prototype.xx = function(){…}
	// module.exports = Base;
	// 某个库
	module.exports = Klass({
		constructor: function(){},
		instanceMethod: function(){}
	}, {
		staticMethod: function(){}

define(function(require, exports, module){
	var Base = require('script/module/Base');
	var tplCalendar = require('tpl/module/Calendar.tpl');

		constructor: function(options){
			this.dom = tplCalendar(options);//…
			this.dayDom = this.dom.xxx
			this.dayDom.on('click', this.onDayClick.bind(this));
		onDayClick: function(e){
			var day = xxx//获取点击的当前的日期
			this.emit('day', day);

define(function(require, exports, module){
	var Calendar = require('script/module/Calendar');
	var Hotel = require('script/module/Hotel');

		var calendar = new Calendar({});
		var hotel = new Hotel({dom:$domHotel,});


		calendar.on('day', function(day){
			//do sth,如:根据日期重新查询当天的酒店
				day: day,});

		hotel.on('search-success', function(data){


如果滥用会造成逻辑分离,甚至支离破碎,导致代码阅读非常困难。 如果发现已经有这种情况了,请配合其他开发模式来调整,比如使用Promise来尽量的以同步的方式书写代码。

转载请注明来自[超2真人] 本文链接:http://www.peichao01.com/static_content/doc/html/introduce-EventEmitter.html