
code for QG-Net: A Data-Driven Question Generation Model for Educational Content

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


QG-Net is a data-driven question generation model that found some success generating questions on educational content such as textbooks. This repository contains code used in the following publication:

Z. Wang, A. S. Lan, W. Nie, P. Grimaldi, A. E. Waters, and R. G. Baraniuk. QG-Net: A Data-Driven Question Generation Model for Educational Content. ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S), June 2018, to appear

Illustration of QG-Net

The project is built on top of OpenNMT-py and uses part of the code from DrQA.

Please note that this is merely research code, and that there is no warrenty. Feel free to modify it for your work.


pytorch (only tested on v0.4.1)
OpenNMT-py (not tested on the latest version; pls use the version in this repo)
Stanford CoreNLP (optional)
torchtext-0.1.1 (this is important; if you use the latest torchtext you might encounter error when preprocessing corpus. Install by the command pip3 install torchtext- 0.1.1, or follow official installation instructions for your python distribution.)

Reproduce the result in the paper

  1. Run the download script to download a pre-trained QG-Net model and the test input file: . download_QG-Net.sh
  2. Run the script in the test folder; first cd test/, then . qg_reproduce_LS.sh
  3. The output file is a text file starting with the prefix output_questions_

If you want to reproduce the results of the baseline models, please follow the following procedure similar to the above:

  1. Run the download script to download the pre-trained baseline models: . download_baselines.sh. The models are stored in the folder test/models.for.test/. We provide 2 baseline models: LSTM + attention model and QG-Net without linguistic features.
  2. modify the script in the test folder: change the model variable in line 10 to another model. The name of the model you entered must match with the name of the models you downloaded in the folder test/models.for.test/.
  3. First cd test/ and then run the script . qg_reproduce_LS.sh.

Train your own model

Get the data

QG-Net is trained on SQuAD. We provide both the preprocessed SQuAD dataset and the raw SQuAD dataset.

  • You can use our preprocessed SQuAD dataset if you want to avoid the cumbersome data preprocessing steps. To obtain the preprocessed SQuAD data, run the download script . download_preproc_squad.sh. The downloaded data, after unzip, should contain 3 files with prefix data.feat.1sent and suffix train.pt, valid.pt and vocab.pt, respectively.
  • You can also download the raw SQuAD dataset if you want to perform data preprocessing on your own. To obtain the raw SQuAD data, get into the preprocessing directory cd preprocessing/ and then run the download script . download_raw_squad.sh.

If you choose to download our preprocessed SQuAD dataset, you can skip this step. Otherwise, we provide the detailed steps of how we preprocessed SQuAD. If you downloaded the raw SQuAD dataset, you can follow the below procedure to preprocess the dataset:

  1. First you need to install Stanford CoreNLP to process the dataset. In command line, get into the preprocessing directory cd preprocessing/, then run the script . install_corenlp.sh and follow the default instructions for installation. make sure you have corenlp installed in data/corenlp/ directory.
  2. Navigate to directory preprocessing/, and run . preproc_squad.sh in command line. You should be able to run without changing any line in the bash file. This file does 3 things: 1) tokenize data using corenlp; 2) train-validation data split; and 3) use OpenNMT's preprocess script to process data into the format that the training script takes. The processed .pt data that QG-Net uses for training will be stored in the data/ directory. It takes about 500 seconds for the processing to finish.

Navigate to the QG-net directory, and run . train.sh in command line. You should be able to run without changing any line in the bash file. Training results will be stored in a newly created results_$DATE directory, where $DATE is the current date in year_month_date format.


In the qg.sh script, modify the variable dir in line 10 to be the result directory results_$DATE you just created. Then run the script . qg.sh to generate questions on the test split of SQuAD dataset.


In the eval.sh script, modify the variable dir in line 10 to be the result directory results_$DATE you just created. Then run the script . eval.sh to generate questions on the test split of SQuAD dataset. Evaluation results will be printed to the console.

Note: Question generation from a piece of text of your choice is currently not supported because the process involves burdensome preprocessing that is not yet streamlined.

A bit more about question generation and QG-Net

We consider question generation as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem: the input is a sequence (a piece of context, e.g., a sentence or paragraph in a textbook), and the output is also a sequence (a question).

Because several distinct questions can be generated from the same context, depending where in the context you want to ask question, the input sequence also needs to encode the "answer" information, e.g., which part of the input sequence to ask question about.

QG-Net is a RNN-based, sequence-to-sequence model with attention mechanism and copy mechanism to improve the generated question quality. In particular, attention mechanism allows the model to access the entire history of the input sequence, and copy mechanism allows the model to copy words/tokens directly from the input sequence as generated words.

Below is a more elaborate illustration of QG-Net model:

Illustration of QG-Net Illustration of QG-Net