
Code repo of EXplainable Knowledge Graph Embedding paper (XKGE)

Primary LanguageShell

Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding (XKGE)

Supporting code for Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding: Inference Reconciliation for Knowledge Inferences Supporting Robot Actions.


  1. This repo has been tested for a system running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, PyTorch (1.2.0), and hardware CPU or Nvidia GPU (GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or better).
  2. For GPU functionality Nvidia drivers, CUDA, and cuDNN are required.


  1. Git clone this repo using: git clone git@github.com:adaruna3/explainable-kge.git
  2. To install using conda run: conda env create -f xkge_env.yml in the repo root and activate environment via conda activate xkge_env
  3. Create a file vim ~/[PATH_TO_ANACONDA]/envs/xkge_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/xkge.pth containing a single line with the absolute path to this repo. This file lets conda find the explainable_kge module when doing imports, see here.
  4. Get submodules: git submodule update --init
  5. Modify the cd path in explainable_kge/run_pra.sh to the absolute path on your PC for pra submodule.
  6. The pra submodule requires sbt. Make sure to install it and run sbt test inside the pra submodule.

Check install

  1. After activating the conda environment, run python. Python version 3.6 should run. Next, check if import torch works. Next, for GPU usage check if torch.cuda.is_available() is True.
  2. If all these checks passed, the installation should be working.

Repo Conents

  • Knowledge Graph Embedding models: TuckER implemented here
  • Interpretable Graph Feature models: XKE implemented here, and our approach XKGE
  • Sub-graph Feature Extraction (SFE): SFE implemented here
  • Datasets: VH+_CLEAN_RAN, which is in the paper, and VH+_CORR_RAN, which is in the paper.

Run the Paper Experiments

  1. Evaluation of Interpretable Graph Feature Model:
    • Remove logs in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs and model checkpoints in ./explainable_kge/models/checkpoints from any previously run experiments
    • Run alg_eval.sh using: ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/alg_eval.sh
    • If this script runs correctly, it will produce 5 output folders in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs, one for each fold of cross-validation: VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_[X] where [X] is the fold number 0 to 4. Additionally, inside ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/ there should be 3 PDF files, each containing a set of results corresponding to the last 4 rows of the table (the last row and 4th from last row are repeats since our model without locality or decision trees is XKE)
    • There is a possibility that some of the folds error out when running due to internal configuations of SFE code, resulting in missing PDF result files. This will be seen from the Python Stack Trace as one of the runs involving explainable_setting.py in alg_eval.sh failing. That can be fixed by removing the entire VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_[X] directory and re-running the commands in ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/alg_eval.sh to generate the directory followed by the corresponding plotting comamnd to generate the PDF. Please see alg_eval.sh.
    • The locality parameter in alg_eval.sh for our approach was selected by checking a range of localities and plotting the performance. Those results can be generated with locality_dr.sh using: ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/locality_dr.sh. The output PDF will again be in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/
  2. Evaluation of Explanation Preferences:
    • Remove logs in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs and model checkpoints in ./explainable_kge/models/checkpoints from any previously run experiments
    • Run user_pref_gen_exp.sh using: ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/user_pref_gen_exp.sh
    • If this script runs correctly, it will produce 5 output folders in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs, one for each fold of cross-validation: VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_[X] where [X] is the fold number 0 to 4. Additionally, inside ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/ there will be a file used for the AMT user study containing all robot interaction scenarios and explanations, user_preferences_amt_explanations.json. We selected 15 unique instances from this file so that each instance provides an explanation about a unique triple (there are multiple grounded explanations repeated for a triple in user_preferences_amt_explanations.json, so we randomly selected the 15 unique instaces).
    • After editing user_preferences_amt_explanations.json to get only 15 interactions, copy the file and post to AMT using the xkge_amt submodule. See the README in xkge_amt.
    • Run the user study using AMT, or skip that step using our provided user results:
      • Our results from the user study are provided in ./amt_data/user_pref_study/ with one json file per user.
      • Analyze the results from our user study by running: python ./explainable_kge/logger/viz_utils.py --config_file ./explainable_kge/experiments/configs/std_tucker_dt_vh+_clean_ran.yaml --options "{'plotting': {'mode': 'amt1', 'output_pdf': 'user_preferences'}}". This command will produce an output PDF in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/user_preferences.pdf that matches the results reported in the paper. Note that to match our results, you need to copy the user_preferences_amt_explanations.json in the xkge_amt repo to ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/.
  3. Validation of Explanations for Downstream Tasks:
    • Remove logs in ./explainable_kge/logger/logs and model checkpoints in ./explainable_kge/models/checkpoints from any previously run experiments
    • Run user_feedback_gen_exp.sh using: ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/user_feedback_gen_exp.sh
    • If this script runs correctly, it will produce 1 output folder, ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/. Additionally, inside ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/ there will be a file used for the AMT user study containing all explanations, explanations_decision_tree_local3_best_clean_filtered.json. Copy the file and post to AMT using the xkge_amt submodule. See the README in xkge_amt.
    • Run the user study using AMT, or skip that step using our provided user results. All results from the AMT study should be copy pasted into ./amt_data/user_feedback_study/.
      • Our results from the user study are provided in ./amt_data/user_feedback_study/ with one json file per user.
    • Given the AMT results, we now need to plot and analyze the user responses to get the majoirty vote average accuracy and confirm that the response distribution meets our statistical assumptions.
      • Run python explainable_kge/logger/viz_utils.py --config_file ./explainable_kge/experiments/configs/std_tucker_dt_vh+_corr_ran.yaml --options "{'plotting': {'mode': 'amt2', 'output_pdf': 'initial_rq2_plots'}}" to get the plot the AMT user responses.
      • Assuming the above command runs correctly, there will be a PDF generated at ./explainable_kge/logger/logs/VH+_CLEAN_RAN_tucker_0/results/amt_initial_rq2_plots.pdf
      • Examine the PDF to find the mean majority vote accuracy. The value will be labeled Majority Mean within a large table containing Practice and Test columns within roughly the last 10 pages of the PDF. This mean value is critical to find as it will serve as the input to all the following steps.
    • Now that we have the majority vote average accuracy (i.e. Majority Mean), modify the noise_reduction_rate and correction_rate in the first line of ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/user_feedback_eval.sh to the observed value (i.e. {'feedback': {'noise_reduction_rate': 0.XXX, 'correction_rate': 0.XXX}}). If you are using our data, you can leave it as is.
      • To generate the results from the paper, run user_feedback_eval.sh using: ./explainable_kge/experiments/scripts/user_feedback_eval.sh. This script will first generate the corrected dataset, then train/test a new embedding using the updated dataset. Additionally, it will train/test and embedding with no corrections. The test scores of both embeddings should closely match the report scores within the paper.
    • The simulation experiments are not yet included in this repo. Please see rail_tasksim for the simulator.


  • Repo closer to completion, expect more incremental changes.
  • Add simulation experiment as part of demo code.