
This is express plugin for upload handler and sync data to google cloud storage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Express GCS Uploader

This is a express upload plugin that will auto copy the upload data to Google Cloud Storage. And also have a download strategy for choice:

  • Download from local if local have the file
  • Download from GCS directly
  • Download from GCS and cache to local

Express GCS Uploader

Note: All the service is base on multr, if you want to add more into the option, you can reference to multr's option.


npm install express-gcs-uploader --save


Step1: setup the auth and related configuration

var gcsuplder = require('express-gcs-uploader');
  rootdir: __dirname,
  upload_url: '/uploads',
  download_url: '/download',
  tmpFolder: '/tmp', 
  cdn_url: 'http://your.bucket.com.tw', //option: for gcs public read or something like that
  keep_filename: true, //option: use for keep the original file name in the remote
  cache: true, //option: will write to local everytime when read from gcs
  bucket: 'your.bucket.com.tw',
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  keyFilename: '/path/to/your/key.json'

The configuration detail describe below:

  • rootdir (string): The project root path.
  • upload_url (string): The upload folder path.
  • download_url (string): The download url.
  • tmpFolder (string): The tmp folder for store the object.
  • cdn_url (string): The cache url, like CDN path or your cloud storage web site bucket path.
  • keep_filename (boolean): If you want to keep the filename, use true for rename the random filename to yours.
  • cache (boolean): If you want to cache the data to local that read from gcs, use true...
  • bucket: The cloud storage bucket name for store your data.
  • projectId: The project id that your json key create.
  • keyFilename: The json key path of a service account that create from GCP console.

Step2: Setup the download route

app.use('/downloads/:id', gcsuplder.downloadproxy);

In this case, the route like: http://localhost:3000/downloads/e13b6a98a0d50b5990123a83eb87f2a8.png will listen the resource get. And the ":id " will be the filename that we can get from our upload.

Cloud Storage Default ACL Setting

If you want use the "cdn_url" to let cloud storage web site bucket can be your CDN path. You should set the default acl to the bucket objects for the uploaded object to grant a default read permission. ( About the website bucket, please reference to the doc: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/website-configuration )

gsutil defacl ch  -p allUsers:R gs://your.bucket.com.tw

Test upload

Make a route for receive upload

router.post('/uploadtest', function(req, res, next) {

Upload using curl:

curl -F "image=@/Users/peihsinsu/Pictures/pic2.png" http://localhost:3000/uploadtest -X POST

Upload using curl with subfolder:

curl -F "image=@/Users/peihsinsu/Pictures/pic2.png" http://localhost:3000/uploadtest -X POST -H 'subfolder:myfolder'

Upload using upload form:

<form method="post" action="/uploadtest" name="submit" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="file" name="fileField"><br /><br />
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">