- 2
- 0
- 0
How can I build a DLL ?
#21 opened by tothpaul - 2
Can't use training tools
#20 opened by Shweta-singh - 2
- 3
build_tesseract.bat run error (Errorlevel: 128)
#19 opened by ahmed-tea - 2
Tesseract4 Support
#18 opened by TurboCar - 0
- 3
Help : vs2015 warn me that debug/zlib.lib is not a valid win32 program and stop running while building (F7) is totally ok
#12 opened by liujunvii - 3
Tesseract's latest source code doesn't contain dependency with cube directory
#14 opened by saint1729 - 1
why if I enable grapics it cause build failure?
#13 opened by baiyigali - 0
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol tesseract::LSTMRecognizer::LoadDictionary
#11 opened by enjay27 - 0
something wrong when I use tesseract api ?
#8 opened by lxj0276 - 1
How i can use ocr command or code to extract text from image using tesseractmain.cpp
#9 opened by LeaderMalang - 1
Unable to start the program x64/debug/zlib.lib is not valid win32 application
#10 opened by LeaderMalang - 0
error C3688 happens
#6 opened by lxj0276 - 2
zlib.dll is not valid win32 application
#7 opened by LeaderMalang - 4
tesseractmain.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\tesseract_3.04\api\tesseractmain.cpp': No such file or directory
#5 opened by LeaderMalang - 2
How do you build this to use openCL?
#4 opened by WraithD - 2
VS Express for Desktop
#2 opened by seanpoulter - 3
apply some license
#1 opened by Romex91