
Language Evolution Simulation

Primary LanguagePython

Kingfisher - An Experiment in Language Evolution

Kingfisher is a a small experiment to see how languages evolve, given a particular biome and communities.


N communities are distributed between various biomes across the generated continent(s)?

Each community is seeded with 200 words (100 nouns, 50 verbs, 50 other). Using a genetic algorithm, each community evolves it’s language down to 100 words, which then results


[#A] Mapping generation

Starts with graph structure and builds outwards

Generating fantasy maps - http://mewo2.com/notes/terrain/

Geometric tesselations?

n-gonal generation?

Coastal generation/contientents/etc

Civ/endless legend/4x mapping generation?


[#B] Language development

Language Evolution

Uses agent based evolution, we’ll use cross pollination instead?

Neural networking to evolve languages

Languages as base?

Arabic - Koran/?

Chinese - Journey to the west/etc

Latin - Romance languages - plato’s works/homer’s works

Interactions with each other - neural networking - evolves the corpus with each other’s works - markov chains???

Markov Chains Based Random Word Generation: http://ben.akrin.com/?p=779

Skip-gram model with fasttext/gensim

Model generation?

Natural Language Inference Chains: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01404

Generating naming languages: http://mewo2.com/notes/naming-language/

Note that: ‘The initial idea was that different regions of each map would have different languages, but I abandoned this because it was too hard to make it clear that this was what was going on…’
We solve this problem by having different character bases

Gutenburg based gibberish in python: https://github.com/colwilson/Gibberish


Language and Social Interaction: http://www.linguistics.illinois.edu/people/koshik