
problem :Undefined function or variable 'dagnn.Split'.

Closed this issue · 7 comments

when i run bboxes = tiny_face_detector('data/demo/selfie.jpg', './selfie.png', 0.5, 0.1, 0), we have meet some other problem :Undefined function or variable 'dagnn.Split'.

Error in dagnn.DagNN.loadobj (line 26)
block = constr() ;

Error in tiny_face_detector (line 66)
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj(;

Have you compiled and tested the MatConvNet submodule?

I just run the code vl_compilenn.m。I don't know what other submodule should be compile.

Please also try

>> vl_testnn('gpu', true);

I have run the code Vl_testnn and this is the results
result =

1x1683 TestResult array with properties:


1683 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete.
403.6716 seconds testing time.

That sounds like you installed the normal matconvnet. To use the code in this repository, you need to install @peiyunh's fork of matconvnet. You can check by navigating to the folder matconvnet/matlab/+dagnn/ and checking if there is a file called Split.m in there.

If that file doesn't exist, that means you installed the normal version of matconvnet.

To resolve this, I would advise deleting this repository from your PC and re-cloning it recursively like so:

git clone --recursive

Then follow the rest of the installation instructions step by step.

@iFreilicht Thank you very much ,and I will try it .

I have solve the problem thank you