
Simple interpreter

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Simple php interpreter Inspire from Binaryphp

  1. No syntax check
  2. No run time error
  3. Not support PHP Class defination ( OOP supported )
  4. Not support switch statement
  5. Not support php casting
  6. Not support do while


Will added soon ...


This simple php interpreter written in c++11 and can be used as template engine in c++ too.


My porpus is converting php code too c++ and compile it at the end


You can write c++ class and call it in 4php

See extension directory

class test : var {
	int z = 10;
	test() {
		std::cout << "construced" << std::endl;

    var pejmanhkh( var &p ) {
    	print_r( p );
    	std::cout << "z is " << z << std::endl;
    	z = 4;
    	return 0;

    var ppp( var &p ) {
    	std::cout << "z is " << z << std::endl;
    	return 0;

    ~test() {
    	std::cout << "destructed" << std::endl;

Usage :


$a = new test();

print_r( $a );

$a->pejmanhkh( "test", 1, 2 );


$a->ppp( "test" );


$aa = new test();
$aa->pejmanhkh( "test", 1, 2 );


Writing Extension

writing extension in c++ is very easy

Example :

var exten_implode( var &p )  {
    var out = "";
    var pre = "";
    for( auto x : p[1] ) {
        out += pre+p[1][x];
        pre = p[0];

    return out;

And add it to functions :


Before compile main.cpp you sould make every extension by hand in extension directory

g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp  -o 4php -ldl


./4php test.php

Web programming

You can use 4php in cgi with shebang

Request function make web request array & you can set superglobal functions with $SUPERGLOBALS variable and use it in function scope too.

echo("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n");

$request = request();

//define superglobal variable in 4php
$SUPERGLOBALS['_GET'] = $request['get'];
$SUPERGLOBALS['_POST'] = $request['post'];
$SUPERGLOBALS['_SERVER'] = $request['server'];
print_r( $_SERVER );

function test() {
	print_r( $_SERVER );



  1. Constant added
  2. Globalize in function added
  3. Include support added
  4. Eval support added
  5. Define superglobal variable
  6. Web programming added ( cgi with shebang )
  7. Not showing shebang added
  8. Update variable set and add .= and += & ... operator