Image Processing Project

Authors: Giavinh Lam, Greg Hetherington and Petar Kenic

Created on March 23, 2019


Open-ended project designed for CIS4720. Web application which detects and computes the ripeness of a banana. React.js used for the frontend and Python 3 used for the backend (image processing algorithm, file operations...).

The React.js frontend is deployed on (initial load may take long due to how free dynos work in Heroku) and the Python/Flask component (used as a server to handle requests and implements the banana ripeness detection algorithm) is deployed using pythonanywhere (on

Running the webserver

  • install python dependencies

    pip install flask
    pip install flask-cors --upgrade
  • navigate to /backend/src

    flask run
  • common errors

    • use 'set' instead of 'export' for Windows
    • under PowerShell (ex. when using VS code) use the following command
      $env:FLASK_APP = ""
      flask run

Updating npm files

  • delete "package-lock.json" file

    npm install

Launching website

  • navigate to root folder

    npm start


  • Images can be most file types (ie. PNG, JPG, TIFF, etc)
  • Input image must have dimensions > 100 x 100 pixels
  • Libraries that must be updated:
    • numpy
    • PIL
    • imageIO
    • cv2 (pip can be used to update these)