
Production version of item-catalog code

Primary LanguagePython


This is the production version of the code from Item Catalog. Putting the application on a secure server requires us to configure a web server (Apache) and an acquire an SSL certificate. We must also migrate from SQLite to Postgresql. This process is detailed at the linux-server-config repo. As most of this work is done on the server side, very little of the original application code has been changed. I have set up this repo mainly for cloning purposes. Details about the application logic and the purpose of the web app are unchanged, and can be viewed at the original Item Catalog

Summary of changes made

  • Renamed catalog.py to __init__.py, which wsgi looks for to run the Flask application logic.

  • In the files __init.py__, catalog_setup.py and music.py, engine = create_engine('sqlite:///musiccatalog.db') is changed to engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:catalog@localhost/catalog')to replace SQLite with Postgresql.

  • The catalog_setup.pyc and music.db files used by SQLite have been deleted.

  • The line h = httplib2.Http(".cache") is changed to h = httplib2.Http() because the argument .cache is optional. Its purpose is to enable a log, but this has been made redundant by the error log and access log files enabled in the catalog.conf file, which is used by Apache to serve the app.

  • Changed from catalog_setup import Base, Genre, Album to from catalog.catalog_setup import Base, Genre, Album which is necessary after the switch from SQLite to Postgresql.

  • Changed path of client_secrets.json in __init__.py to the absolute path of /var/www/catalog/client_secrets.json.

  • In __init__.py, removed the parameters of the run() method.