
Hackathon Challenge for Dev.F - Batch 1

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

# RoomIn - Expenses Administrator

Hackathon Challenge - GDL Batch 1 - Dev.F

This is an Entire Platfor (Backen, WebApp, Android Client) that will allow us to help those poor souls in suffer in countless missing debts with their roomies.

The content is divided in the following order:

  1. server/ : Server/Backend files
  2. web/ : Web Client files
  3. android/ : Android Client files
  4. landpage/ : Landpage Front-end for this project
  5. doc/ : Documentation of the whole project

How to Contribute:

  • Request Collaboration Access
  • Assign an Open Issue to yourself
  • Create a branch using <issue_number>_<issue_name>
  • Create a Pull Request to Develop