
Cinta negra - NodeJS Intro

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Batch 1 - Node JS Lesson

Dev.f GDL - Cinta Negra - Batch 1

We are going to use Express Generator for this example, to init the scafolding, we run the following command:

#> express <app-name>

We install the sequelize-cli ORM

#> sudo npm install -g --save-dev sequelize-cli

Once we installed, we create the initial file on the app root folder:

#>touch create .sequelizerc

with the following content:

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {

Once we initialize it

#> sequelize init

Then, we create a model

#> sequelize model:create --name <model> --attributes <att-name>:<type>,<att-name2>:<type>