
Prepare a machine for installing OCP in azure government

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Prepare a machine for installing OpenShift in azure government

Clone this project git clone git@github.com:pekramp/azure_ocp_prereq.git
Change into the directory cd azure_ocp_prereq

Vars (vars/main.yml)
ocp_release = the version of OCP you want to get ready to install
prereq_packages = the packages that will be installed to prepare to run the installer

pullsecret.json - your pull secret for accessing the OpenShift installation files
Go to https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/azure/user-provisioned
Download or copy pull secret and save it to vars/pullsecret.json

After everything is set and ready you are ready to run the playbook
Run with ansible-playbook azure_pre-reqs.yml --ask-become-pass